- Comment on Anon is a gamer 5 weeks ago:
I have only ever played the game once, so it was my first playthrough.
I still oriented myself with the map of course, but checking your route on a map is a much different gameplay experience than having the minimap on your HUD. It means you’re actually engaging with the game’s geography and its landmarks rather than just looking up from the minimap occasionally to see if your character has run into combat or got caught in some stray geometry.
- Comment on Anon is a gamer 5 weeks ago:
Well sure, those were shit too, but I don’t see anyone here controverting that.
- Comment on Anon is a gamer 5 weeks ago:
I did play the Witcher without a minimap and it was excellent. It was a well designed game with good landmarks, good geographic flow and useful dialogue that communicated through the game world and characters itself.
Other games aren’t as well designed and are literally impossible to play with the minimap disabled.
And for sure, I hate dumb fetch quests as much as anyone, but having meta-game direction techniques like highlighting and minimaps/compasses makes it far easier for designers to get away with poorly designed dumb quests of zero consequence because at no point do you ever need to think about what you’re doing.
- Comment on Anon is a gamer 5 weeks ago:
You’ve described a single potential alternative to not highlighting interactivity. One other alternative would be designing the gameplay and the game’s world with enough gestalt that heavy handed direction and pacing tactics aren’t needed.
For a lot of games, functional and immersive dialogue would go a long way to addressing this. It’s why, for instance, the Witcher 3 can mostly be played without the minimap enabled while Watch Dogs 2 cannot.
- Comment on Anon is a gamer 5 weeks ago:
The trend of earmarking every single interactive object in a game with a special colour or tooltip has made hyper-realistic cinematic games less immersive than a lot of PS1 games.
- Comment on Enshittification only hurts product itself, not users. 3 months ago:
But Windows is unique in that it can fit a whole lot of shit in it. Way more than one could imagine.
Minecraft, Chrome etc are a 7 litre compost caddy of shit. Windows is a vast open country waiting to be turned into landfill of human waste.
- Comment on Stars 3 months ago:
I’ve always wondered this. For now I’ve settled on the hypothesis that all the first astronomers all had astigmatism.
- Comment on Ex developer at Bethesda quit his job after 14 years and made this heavy metal horror game as a solo dev with no publisher 4 months ago:
You’d think it would be a blow to Bethesda that their sole programmer quit, but fortunately the creation engine is so cutting edge that I’m sure they’ll lean on it just as it is for years to come.
- Comment on Anon wants to stop the mad painter 4 months ago:
That’s just not true. I imagine a lot of the kickback is coming from those of us who grew up playing those games, because when done right, there was a deeper sense of exploration and a more active role in decision making.
- Comment on Anon doesn't like reddit 5 months ago:
Nah, I’m happy to hear there are still some thriving out there. Gives me hope for the future. I’ve just noticed that I’m corralled towards Reddit any time I seek out the sorts of discussions that used to happen on forums.
- Comment on Anon doesn't like reddit 5 months ago:
AI means Reddit will always look alive at a glance.
Like you still get some people complaining that lemmy isn’t active enough for them to leave Reddit, even though they’re just hanging out with bots all day.
- Comment on Anon doesn't like reddit 5 months ago:
None of the small tight knit ones I used have survived outside of VI Control. But even the remaining ones are barely turned up by search engines.
- Comment on Anon visits New Zealand 5 months ago:
Thank you. I feel like not a lot of people consider this angle. I mean, whatever your personal heritage is, if the people of New Zealand don’t take some sort of stewardship over the national heritage, no one other country is going to.
- Comment on TitanFall 2 at 3$ 6 months ago:
Well I’ll be damned if I’m gonna let some Internet rando think I’m an idiot.