- Comment on I got plans this weekend. 3 weeks ago:
Found the novelization
- Comment on Trump and Republicans Cannot Stop Electric Vehicles, Experts Say 1 month ago:
I’m confused, why would he want to? He and Elon are tight again
- Comment on skull crushers 2 months ago:
That’s pretty metal, not gonna lie
- Comment on pew pew 3 months ago:
I’m not sure what you mean by “advanced” but they’re really not
An Immense World by Ed Yong had a section on Mantis Shrimp and while their fascinating creatures with a really interesting vision system, their color perception isn’t all it’s cracked up to be
I’m reciting this from memory so if anyone knows better please correct me:
Mantis Shrimp have compound eyes with three sections: 1) the main section detects movement and is what they primarily use to see 2) the second section detects color. When the shrimp detects movement it will look at whatever it was with it’s color detecting section to determine if it’s prey or predator. This is a whole separate section of the eye and is unlike how ours function. The reason why the shrimp has so many detectors is because, unlike our eyes, the shrimps eyes don’t combine different color receptors to see color. The book likened it to a bar code scanner that uses the presence of certain color combinations to detect what’s there 3) one really neat thing the mantis Shrimp can do is see spiralized polarized light. We cannot see polarized light but there’s a lot of b polarized light under the ocean so seeing it is fairly common. What’s NOT common is polarized light that travels as a spiral. Mantis Shrimp seem to have evolved the ability to create spiralized polarized light and use it to communicate. As far as we know no other animal can make or see it.
- Comment on True Love 3 months ago:
Literally me
- Comment on Habits of Insects 3 months ago:
In addition, government research in the sciences is miniscule. You could cut ALL of science funding and be no where close to the 1 trillion that Musk claims he’ll be able to reduce the budget by
- Comment on Synthesize deez nutz 4 months ago:
In 10-15 years people will be nastalgic for Fortnight the way people are nostalgic for Xbox 360 halo
- Comment on Sad and Lonely 4 months ago:
And a Creationist!
- Comment on I LOVE BIRD NAMES 5 months ago:
I was made for this class
- Comment on That's a big burger 5 months ago:
Because the moon is moving away very slowly there will be a last total solar eclipse at some point. We’re lucky to have such good ones currently
- Comment on Thanks internet! 7 months ago:
Low quality information is easier to produce than high quality information
Even worse, while people prefer high quality information, the preference is weaker than other preferences, such as the desire to see things that are cute or make you angry
- Comment on What a Hobby 8 months ago:
- Comment on Ya know what they say about big noses.... 8 months ago:
Who knew I knew about more than just Parus Major
- Comment on Ya know what they say about big noses.... 8 months ago:
- Comment on Can't wait for the weekend. 8 months ago:
I know it’s referencing this but don’t know enough about Bayesian probability
- Comment on Easy now, fuzzy little man-peach, hmm? You ever drunk Bailey's from a shoe? 8 months ago:
You are a Monarch among men
- Comment on organic bicycles! 8 months ago:
Paris Major, of course
- Comment on organic bicycles! 8 months ago:
I originally thought the wheels had oxygen in them somehow but they’re just benzene rings
This version is less confusing some still maintaining the bicycle shape
- Submitted 8 months ago to | 14 comments
- Comment on Pandas have carnivorous teeth but are lazy hunters lmao 9 months ago:
Is this a thing?
- Comment on Turtles 9 months ago:
K-pg extinction is the one that killed the dinosaurs. I guess there was a kind of turtle that died during that extinction event?
- Comment on Turtles 9 months ago:
Okay, this is really neat
- Comment on Turtles 9 months ago:…/turtles-breathe-out-their-butt
I found one part
- Comment on GOAT 9 months ago:
Actually yes
- Comment on What year is it? 9 months ago:
Took me a second
- Submitted 9 months ago to | 3 comments
- Comment on This playlist is a gem 9 months ago:
Is that the name of the person who runs the gift shop?
- Submitted 9 months ago to | 8 comments
- Comment on I don't know which one of you needed this information, but you're welcome. 9 months ago:…
Spotify doesn’t count it as a steam if you turn it off before 30 seconds
- Comment on Risk of Suicide and Self-Harm Following Gender-Affirmation Surgery - PubMed 9 months ago:
The title is a bit misleading. This study isn’t evidence that gender affirmative care causes suicide. Trans people have a higher rates of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts than the general population. Therefore you’d expect that people who seek gender affirmative care would be at a higher risk than the general population
If the study was comparing people who got gender affirmative care vs people who didn’t but were also trans then it would be more illustrative of the effects of gander affirmative care (although I expect the effects would be positive, not negative, as it should lessen never dysphoria in most people seeking it out)
Nothing against the people conducting the study but I don’t think this is saying what this community wants to believe it’s saying