- Comment on how do I become the dullest, most boring coworker so this needy man leaves me alone? 2 months ago:
Sure, why not. If OP really doesn’t want to small talk they can say that.
OP doesn’t mention they hate smalltalk. I just gave a suggestion of words that I thought would fit, but I also don’t know OP
- Comment on how do I become the dullest, most boring coworker so this needy man leaves me alone? 2 months ago:
Ok, now be quiet please.
- Comment on how do I become the dullest, most boring coworker so this needy man leaves me alone? 2 months ago:
What?? Imagine telling anyone to “be quiet now”. That’s plainly rude and won’t help
It’s important to be honest and polite. “I really need to focus on my work and be silent for a few hours a day. I’d be happy to chat on a coffee break, but I need to have some quiet time please”
- Comment on I hate when a PC game is ONLY available on Epic Games store 2 months ago:
For what reason? Why is Epic so bad? I’m not fishing for a reaction. I genuinely don’t know why most people here hate Epic
- Comment on Mornings 5 months ago:
Why shouldn’t people use windows?
You can’t expect the average person to be tech savvy enough to use Linux and most people cannot afford a Mac. Especially in developing countries.
Windows is the best OS for the average person. Just not for advanced users such as researchers
- Comment on Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread 5 months ago:
You’re not looking at this correctly. No one congratulates themselves for returning the cart.
The point here is that the simple act of returning the shopping cart is the baseline of ethical behavior. This is just illustrating that society’s individualism is so strong that this simple act of spending 10 seconds to keep the place in order is often ignored.
Of course people that return the shopping cart can be ignorant assholes as well. But the point is that this extremely basic act is severely lacking in society. Therefore we can’t expect, as you said more advanced ethical values. Such as using ones time and energy to make changes to other foreign countries
- Comment on Aluminum 6 months ago:
Car guys are just the male equivalent of horse girls
- Comment on the final boss after you clear Donald Knuth 7 months ago:
Do you mean that your sadness levels are consistent among all times you’re exposed to bad examples of this linguistic change?
Should it not be “constantly saddened”, meaning that sadness is caused often upon you when seeing such examples?
If this is the case, I can relate to that. Or should I say… it do be like that sometimes
- Comment on I just cited myself. 8 months ago:
The context doesn’t make a difference
In base 10 --> 1/3 is 0.333…
In base 12 --> 1/3 is 3
But they’re both the same number.
Base 10 simply is not capable of displaying it in a concise format. We could say that this is a notation issue. No notation is perfect. Base 10 has some confusing implications
- Comment on I just cited myself. 8 months ago:
Divide 1 by 3: 1÷3=0.3333…
Multiply the result by 3 reverting the operation: 0.3333… x 3 = 0.9999… or just 1
0.9999… = 1
- Comment on Greece introduces the six-day work week 8 months ago:
Can you provide a source on that?
Japan historically has some of the most demanding work cultures in the world. This news seems wrong to me.
- Comment on Thanks 8 months ago:
Just wave with a brick in your hand the next time
- Comment on The More You Know 🌟 8 months ago:
Oh, what did they name it?
- Comment on how to kill an archaeologist 8 months ago:
Archeology does not build infrastructure to make people’s lives easier but neither does any form of entertainment like Cinema, Music, Theater, Museums and others.
Medicine law and engineering are wonderful jobs, and necessary to live. But Art, History, Philosophy and Music are things we live for
It’s fine if you’re not a fan of it, but it’s quite childish to think certain things are of less value because you personally don’t like it.
- Comment on Anon is stuck in a rut 8 months ago:
Can you consider moving to a better place? I understand you might have things going you down but it’s good to evaluate your options
- Comment on Ant smell 8 months ago:
Oh yeah? I have a model train behind my back, what model is it?
- Comment on Implications 9 months ago:
That’s the point though. It doesn’t matter when time travel is invented, only if it can be invented.
If time travel is possible even 10 000 years in the future someone would almost certainly show up at Hawking’s party since they have a time machine.
The fact that no one showed up it’s a reasonable argument that time travel is impossible
- Comment on Light 9 months ago:
This kind of sad romantization of physical phenomena is weird to me.
I think romanticizing physical phenomena can be a really great tool to create a narrative and get people interested in the subject, or can just be a cool talking point about physics.
This example is pointless and kinda sad
If a photon from the sun misses the earth it will likely travel for billions of years into the void, most of them probably absorbed by random space dust. So hitting earth or hitting a human could be considered cool depending how you sell the narrative.
It’s possible to tell many different narratives. I just dislike the sad ones. There are many more cool ones
- Comment on Polisci 9 months ago:
Thanks for the correction. I was blinded by my hatred for Brenda. I was sure I was off by a lot but I couldn’t bother looking it up at the time
- Comment on Rekt 9 months ago:
Then he turned himself into a pickle
Funniest thing I’ve ever seen
- Comment on Polisci 9 months ago:
Sure, physicists can just keep track of about 5% of the universe’s mass. That’s their whole job, and they just got 5%!? Are they stupid??
Who are you to complain Brenda?! The only thing you keep track of is the amount of Oreos you have in the pantry
5% of the universe is still several trillions of tons of mass! Although I suppose a good part of that is your fat ass!
- Comment on Anon helps with his gf's vaping addiction 9 months ago:
It sounds so freaking fake. Tbh, I hope it’s real and this woman is free from vape addiction. There’s a question here about boundaries but what strikes me the most is that I can’t take it seriously. The tone is just so characteristic of these 4chan green texts. No details, no heart. Straight to the point. Short enough to get a bunch of upvotes.
He wrote it like it’s a simple story that happened within a week. It just feels manufactured
- Comment on Sad 9 months ago:
Actually firing off the middle class into the sun would do a better job in exploding it sooner
- Comment on Futures 9 months ago:
Human bad There. Saved you a few words
- Comment on Wave Particle Duality 9 months ago:
Another classic case of “Scientists are bad at naming things”
Some people will spend their entire lives thinking math is stupid because of imaginary numbers.
Thinking that electrons behave differently when you “look” at them.
Think that radio towers and microwaves cause cancer because they emit radiation
Many of these are failures of the education system and to be fair scientists don’t have the power of hindsight. Still it annoys me how inefficient it is having these names
- Comment on Anon doesn't like any web browsers 9 months ago:
The world’s most advanced GAMING BROWSER!!
- Comment on Carnivores 10 months ago:
Carnivorous plants ain’t chompin on bugs just for the clout, they got legit reasons to mess up those insects
They grow in weak ass soil that has no nitrogen. Carnivore plants be out the grinding. Gobbling up mad insects to get some N
- Comment on Evolution isn't linear. 10 months ago:
I enjoyed this piece of information