- Comment on Sonic The Hedgehog, also known as bad comic book movies enemy number one 5 months ago:
Carrey was great. He carried that movie though. Rest of it was eh.
- Comment on Sonic The Hedgehog, also known as bad comic book movies enemy number one 5 months ago:
- Comment on Borderlands 4 is launching in 2025 6 months ago:
Someone wake me up when it’s $5.
- Comment on On the market for $400 6 months ago:
- Comment on On the market for $400 6 months ago:
That or an Oldsmobile Silhouette.
- Comment on How to people that have to wear black nitrile gloves all day keep from having sweaty hands? 6 months ago:
I used to wear white vinyl gloves when shoveling snow for a previous job and when we were done my hands were always wrinkled and soaking wet. Never bothered me much though. Wasn’t much I could do about it though because it was either sweaty hands or cold wet hands from snow getting my gloves wet.
- Comment on [Discussion] What did you think of Matrix 4? 6 months ago:
Patrick Willems said something about it that made it all make sense. Then I forgot what he said, just like I did the movie.
- Comment on damn 6 months ago:
Same, but a woman did it to me.
- Comment on 🐊🐓🦖 6 months ago:
Are you saying octopus are all incest babies? Scandalous.
- Comment on The food delivery bubble is bursting — and maybe that's not a bad thing 6 months ago:
“cost of fuel, insurance and car maintenance have increased”
As someone who drives for one of these companies, cost of fuel is only really an issue sometimes. When it gets closer to $4 a gallon, it stops being worth it. I do my own car maintenance so this really isn’t too much of an issue either. Car insurance though? You bet those fuckers have made plays to try and jack driver’s prices up. Some companies outright won’t insure you if you’re a driver without getting commercial insurance, which, from when I was shopping was over a grand a month in my state.
- Comment on The problem with sleeper ships 6 months ago:
Yeah, was gonna say. It’s more like Outriders than anything.
- Comment on what a strange timeline we live in 7 months ago:
Oh, it’s been quite a minute since I watched so I don’t remember much about the characters, and since, well, I had to do a hard reset on my brain after watching it.
I try to involve myself in what she’s into. We have a really tight bond because of this.
We’re both super into Hazbin Hotel. I know she’s technically young for it, but I took the time to make sure she understands the concepts in the show and what it all means.
- Comment on what a strange timeline we live in 7 months ago:
I watched it all because my 11 year old was going on about it. Turns out I watched more than she had. So, I dunno.
- Comment on what a strange timeline we live in 7 months ago:
- Comment on what a strange timeline we live in 7 months ago:
- Comment on Monkey brain gonna monkey brain 7 months ago:
Monkey brain activates on body suit for me as well.
- Comment on Caption this. 7 months ago:
Fuck Nestle.
- Comment on Remember when planes and hospitals had smoking sections? (Probably a lot of you do not). 7 months ago:
Lovely fun trauma, yay.
- Comment on Remember when planes and hospitals had smoking sections? (Probably a lot of you do not). 7 months ago:
My “step-dad” used to sit as close as he could to the smoking section in restaurants and would try to fight anyone that lit up.
Childhood was fun.
- Comment on Anon learns that his grandfather dodged being drafted 8 months ago:
- Comment on Nintendo Issues Multiple DMCAs On The Modding Site 'GameBanana' 8 months ago:
A lot of that seemingly came from when modder = cheater in GTAV. Saw a huge swing to that at the height of that game’s popularity.
- Comment on Everyday, as an American 8 months ago:
I feel the same way about Fahrenheit, but boy do people hate it when you say it out loud.
I’ve never had to use Kilometers much but I’m sure I wouldn’t have much trouble adapting to that as much.
- Comment on Ya feel me? 8 months ago:
Two eye patches, ear plugs, might as well throw some ear plugs in your nose too.
- Comment on No one should have to “grow a thicker skin”: Valorant studio commit to harsh penalties for harassment 8 months ago:
What’s their policy when someone buys one of these systems from one of these dickheads? Easier solution is to not install games that are rootkits run by a shitty company.
- Comment on No one should have to “grow a thicker skin”: Valorant studio commit to harsh penalties for harassment 8 months ago:
“Hardware bans”
lmao, this fucking company.
- Comment on No Man’s Sky Adrift update leaves you completely alone in its universe, except for sandworms and ghost ships 8 months ago:
Have they removed any of the time constraints?
- Comment on No Man’s Sky Adrift update leaves you completely alone in its universe, except for sandworms and ghost ships 8 months ago:
No, I’m actually working through my backlog and it’s been the best overall way to track what I’ve done and haven’t done in a game. I’ve played tons of games without them. (My most played game does not have them.) Fuck, I’d be happy at this point if they added at least a damn guide of all the shit I missed when I wasn’t playing. It’s just sensory overload when opening up NMS.
- Comment on No Man’s Sky Adrift update leaves you completely alone in its universe, except for sandworms and ghost ships 8 months ago:
That’s my issue with it that I’ve already 100% the game myself a long time ago and every time I’ve gone back, I’ve just either been lost as to what to do, or already done with the content they added and then looked at all that had been added and just couldn’t be bothered. I wish there was some way to get a reward or whatever for completing objectives, but in the case of this game, I’ve got a life and missed a lot of the rewards due to running out of time.
- Comment on No Man’s Sky Adrift update leaves you completely alone in its universe, except for sandworms and ghost ships 8 months ago:
You know, I’ll be candid. Them never adding any more achievements really hasn’t helped me go back to the game. I wish with all this extra content they would have added some so I had some goals to work towards/enjoy when going back. It’s just a mess of things when I open it up now. Don’t even know where to start.
- Comment on Tomb Raider TV Series Written By Fleabag's Phoebe Waller-Bridge Ordered By Amazon Prime Video 9 months ago:
using language that makes it read like im in a McDonald’s drive through?
Because you are and you’ll eat your McTombRaider and like it.