aka freamon
- Comment on Severance - Intro Title Sequence / Credits / Opening 4K ( Apple TV+) Official.(1:26) 3 weeks ago:
For Season 1. (Season 2 has different credits.)
- Comment on Infuriating update to the broken lift plea. Signatures were added two days ago. And now someone has added a note. 4 weeks ago:
Fasting (for Ramadan)
Not sure about "slow poisoning"
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
It's certainly visually impressive.
It might be serving a dual purpose though - it's a more dynamic experience for the viewer, than just a list of the upcoming shows, but it's also a technique that allows them to repeatedly lean on the mega-hits (Stranger Things & Squid Game), while yadda-yadda'ing the rest of the content (consisting largely of stuff purchased from broadcasters, mid films, and a graveyard of cancelled TV shows).
- Comment on Trending Communities for Monday 20th January 2025 1 month ago:
It normally publishes about midday (UK time), but if the crawler fails for that edition, it picks up the next one at roughly 6 p.m., and then it gets into the habit of publishing then every day until I remember to set it back to midday.
Anyway, it looks like it's just missed today's 6 p.m. edition, but it might get the next one due around about now.
- Comment on Why does it seem like every TV series I've ever watched gets cancelled/rushed/incomplete ending, while movies (even those in a film series/trilogy) rarely face the same problem? 1 month ago:
Season 3 of a TV show comes with a significant wage increase for everyone involved, so 3 seasons (at least) is something that the sellers of a show always want, but the buyers are trying to avoid.
On Netflix, it's become a pattern of all shows only getting 1 or 2 seasons, unless they're mega-hits, or dirt-cheap to produce in the first place.
How well a show wraps up after 2 seasons often depends on how much the writers want to do the streamer's job for them. Tokyo Vice was a (rare) example of a good, self-contained, 2-season show.
- Comment on Trending Communities for Sunday 15th September 2024 1 month ago:
More abuse of this post for testing PieFed user mentions (sorry if you seeing this)
- Comment on Lemmy on Mastadon 2 months ago:
Yeah. ActivityPub has a type called 'Announce' that's used to make your followers aware of activity by another account. Mastodon uses it only for 'boosting' another user's content, but Lemmy's communities use it for everything ('Andrew has posted this comment', 'Andrew has Liked this post's, etc). Most of Lemmy's activities are ignored by Mastodon, but the Announce of a post or a comment is interpreted as a Boost.
It sort of works as a way to follow a community on Mastodon, but the individual boosting of all comments makes it annoying. I doubt anyone has set up a different account - you should be able to see the details of which actor is doing by clicking on it or hovering your mouse over it.
Anyway, speaking of jokes, have you heard how many MBIN users it takes to screw in a lightbulb?
Answer: 10. 1 to screw in the bulb, and 9 to tell you how great the software is. (I'm just kidding - there aren't 10 MBIN users, it just seems like there are because it evidently comes with a massive crowbar used to derail every thread to bollock on about it). - Comment on Since removed comments can still be read in the modlogs, isn't removing comments useless? 2 months ago:
If an admin bans a local user, they're banned once, but if they ban a remote user, the way Lemmy currently handles it is to ban them from every community they've subscribed to. There's an Issue about it because it's a hacky and incomplete solution. As such, the 'banned 20 times' thing isn't something that people should read too much into.
- Comment on Trending Communities for Sunday 24th November 2024 3 months ago:
The crawler is normally aware of about 30k communities, but this has only listed about 9k for the past few days.
- Comment on Trending Communities for Sunday 24th November 2024 3 months ago:
I messaged the maintainer of lemmyverse yesterday - he's replied that he's going to investigate what's happened with the missing communities.
- Comment on Trending Communities for Thursday 21st November 2024 3 months ago:
I mentioned the other day that requests to walledgarden error (curl says 'transferred a partial file'). If another instance doesn't get a good response for these requests, then after 3 days, it'll mark the other instance as dead, and not federate out to it. Once this happens, it's a pain, because traffic from walledgarden doesn't make them realise that it's actually alive, you have to wait until it tries again and gets a successful response.
If you haven't done so already, it might be an idea to use curl to query your site, and see what the response in nginx says.
- Comment on Trending Communities for Thursday 21st November 2024 3 months ago:
There's been a recurring federation delay between and LW admins are aware, but I don't think they've yet nailed down the cause (it fixed itself yesterday, but has started again today). The same thing might be stopping the crawler from getting a full API response from them.
I have a test instance that's subscribed to a couple of communities, but is quiet enough to be able to monitor federation, and if you do that, you realise that there are activities that are meant to happen, and just flat-out don't. Other instances can recover (if they receive a reply for a post they don't know about because LW forgot to Announce it, then they can fetch it instead), but it's all a bit flaky, yeah.
- Comment on Trending Communities for Thursday 21st November 2024 3 months ago:
Boo! the upstream crawler is still borked (up a tiny bit to 9k communities now).
- Comment on Trending Communities for Wednesday 20th November 2024 3 months ago:
Hmmm. Something hasn't responded to the crawler (probably - currently shows about 8k communities, when normally it shows 30k.
- Comment on Trending Communities for Saturday 16th November 2024 3 months ago:
! seems interesting, and it only took me 4 months to find out about it. Dunno if the list of communities it covers is being updated anymore though.
- Comment on Trending Communities for Wednesday 13th November 2024 3 months ago:
The bot gets its data from - which isn't aware of I don't know why, but there's a problem with the site that might be related - if you do
curl -i --header 'accept: application/activity+json' --location
it errors with 'transferred a partial file' whereas it works for any other Lemmy server. It must have worked in the past though, 'cos I was able to subscribe and post to a community on there not long ago. - Comment on Is it possible to see a list of communities? 3 months ago:
Voyager is probably the most popular. I like Thunder, personally (both are open-source but Thunder isn't completely FOSS because of the language it's written in).
- Comment on Is it possible to see a list of communities? 3 months ago:
Accidentally replying to a post instead of replying to a comment is a Sync bug (I think it happens if you try to reply via a Notification). I don't use it, but that app seems a bit unmaintained.
To ping a person, it's like what you did, but you need to include the instance (e.g.
- most apps should auto-complete it once you start typing) - Comment on How long do you think we'll keep seeing "formerly Twitter"? 4 months ago:
It has happening. If you look for news of, e.g. "Arnold Schwarzenegger endorses Harris", most outlets just say 'X'.
In my results, The Guardian, the BBC, The Independent, Fortune, MSNBC, The Washington Post and The Hill just used 'X'. Politico said 'on social media'. Only Forbes did the 'formerly Twitter' thing.
- Comment on Trending Communities for Tuesday 22nd October 2024 4 months ago:
The creator of 'linux sucks' must be the bravest person in the Fediverse.
- Comment on Trending Communities for Sunday 20th October 2024 4 months ago:
That community looks to be brand new - the bot needs more than 1 day of data to pick up on a trend (typically it needs 7). I guess that the other community got Streisanded.
- Comment on Trending Communities for Friday 11th October 2024 4 months ago:
Well, you got this post, so I guess so? (the site responds better today, when it was a bit laggy or non-existent previously)
- Comment on Trending Communities for Friday 11th October 2024 4 months ago: fell over yesterday btw, so that's why there was no post yesterday.
- Comment on Lockpicking Lawyer's size preference 5 months ago:
If an 8-inch wang isn't doing the job for you, it's probably as much about technique as it is about size. (I watched this assuming it was a parody vid, but it's an April's Fool upload from the real channel).
- Comment on Column | No time to read? Google’s new AI will turn anything into a podcast 5 months ago:
I know all the cool kids hate on AI, but as someone out of the loop, that 'podcast' is really impressive. I guess it speaks to how a influential certain style of podcasting is (from the likes of NPR) that a machine can copy it the same as other humans do.
As for the embedded link, this works for me (and others on the same site as me), but it might not for others:
- Submitted 5 months ago to | 4 comments
- Submitted 5 months ago to | 1 comment
- Comment on Pay us, or let us sell your info to 1200 partners 5 months ago:
I think they're all pushing their luck with it, trying to get away with it until any actual legal repercussions happen. I first saw this a while ago with a French newspaper - apparently the majority of newspapers there do it.
- Comment on Washington's Dream 2 - SNL 5 months ago:
Thanks. Turns out that if it wasn't for Washington, Americans would be free to occasionally measure themselves in 'stones', based on the easy-to-remember system of there being 14 pounds in a stone. Or maybe 12. America's loss, either way.
- Comment on Washington's Dream 2 - SNL 5 months ago:
I'm guessing "Washington's Dream 1" was for America to have TV shows with sketches that go on for slightly too long, punctuated by incredibly enthusiastic audience noises (in England sketches are mandated to only last 3 minutes max, and are greeted with quiet stares of appreciation).
Only kidding: this was a fun video.