- Comment on 2025-03-15 Unplanned downtime 1 week ago:
Suspicious timing considering that we have had a large reddit influx.
- Comment on How would we choose a "world language" in a fair way, for a hypothetical one world government? 1 week ago:
English is already the global language. And ur whole argument about its imperialism history is completely flawed. Should the Germans stop speaking their language?
Plus with ai we are already at the point where we have bablefish technology.
- Comment on Longest valid chemical formulae that speels outs words or phrases 1 week ago:
Ooft SSL certs are free
- Comment on Nose 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Which is the suitable instance for creating AI communities? 2 weeks ago:
They are not the friendlyest to free speech especially for non leftwing issues
- Comment on This whole "Sign in to prove you're not a bot" thing is pissing me off 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Welcome, new users! 2 weeks ago:
Could u edit the post to teach the newcomers about community mentions ie !
- Comment on Please tell me I'm not going nuts 2 weeks ago:
That’s some next level copium. Holy shit man ur justifying the dems failure to genuinely engage with the demand of the populous (the point of democracy) by saying they where complicit in the destruction of your nation. I don’t say this lightly but nineteen eighty four called they want their double think back.
- Comment on Trending Communities for Saturday 8th March 2025 2 weeks ago:
I think its the latest reddit migration
- Comment on MAGA Republican Logic 2 weeks ago:
Check the mods for that community
- Comment on MAGA Republican Logic 2 weeks ago:
I’m surprised ur not banned for this have u seen !
- Comment on uhh… my ex girlfriend and long-time friend is now cishet, very christian, and makes those “i identify as” jokes regarding trans people. would it end up bad for me if i continued to be her friend? 3 weeks ago:
I love how u think you can tell op how to live. Respect their free will and personal autonomy
- Comment on uhh… my ex girlfriend and long-time friend is now cishet, very christian, and makes those “i identify as” jokes regarding trans people. would it end up bad for me if i continued to be her friend? 3 weeks ago:
I trust ops experience more than ur opinion ngl
- Comment on uhh… my ex girlfriend and long-time friend is now cishet, very christian, and makes those “i identify as” jokes regarding trans people. would it end up bad for me if i continued to be her friend? 3 weeks ago:
Actions speak louder than words. If she is nice and genuinely is a good friend what she says shouldn’t matter.
- Comment on Would you rather be trapped in Groundhog Day or the Truman show? 3 weeks ago:
Just do 24 hours of it at a time
- Comment on Would you rather be trapped in Groundhog Day or the Truman show? 3 weeks ago:
With infinite time and no consequences literally everything is possible
- Comment on China’s ambassador criticises Australia’s move to limit DeepSeek 3 weeks ago:
Their models and a lot of their training and code to run it are
- Comment on China’s ambassador criticises Australia’s move to limit DeepSeek 3 weeks ago:
As long as the open source models themselves aren’t banned I’m happy.
- Comment on oωo 3 weeks ago:
Balls means frequency which also happens to have the same units as revolutions so I guess its a real ball twister
- Comment on Why do most Americans use an iPhone? 4 weeks ago:
The average American is a fucking idiot and half of them are dumber than that
- Comment on If a mysterious force secretly changed EVERY clock worldwide one minute forward, how long would it take until people notice, and how would people/governments react? 4 weeks ago:
Yeah we need to account for time dilation but since op doesn’t specify this it would break GPS.
- Comment on If a mysterious force secretly changed EVERY clock worldwide one minute forward, how long would it take until people notice, and how would people/governments react? 5 weeks ago:
No what they mean is that GPS uses timestamps to calculate position so messing with time would mess with position. GPS is so precise at measuring time we need to account for time dilation due to Einstein and satellites traveling at speed.
- Comment on is it wrong/selfish to cut contact with my trump-supporting father? 5 weeks ago:
Just cos u don’t agree with someone for some of their ideas that’s no reason to cut them off. Tell him u don’t agree explain why and tell him u don’t want to discuss it with him and if he forces u to u will leave.
U can fundamentally disagree with someone and still have a respectful relationship.
Think about it from his perspective u are associating/supporting people he believe are just as bad as u believe elon/trump is. It sounds like he is still respectful of you for who you are.
- Comment on meirl 5 weeks ago:
Self hosted jellyfin
- Comment on meirl 5 weeks ago:
I only have one streaming service and it has literally everything.
- Comment on why do transphobes mention pedophiles/compare them to pedophiles when most trans people (as do most people) hate pedophiles? 5 weeks ago:
Nar just pointing out the stupidity of asking such a question in such a place lol.
- Comment on why do transphobes mention pedophiles/compare them to pedophiles when most trans people (as do most people) hate pedophiles? 5 weeks ago:
Go ask one somewhere where they won’t be banned for explaining it to u.
Plus what’s ur goal here start a fight? Have a thread dunking on people who can’t defend themselves without getting banned?
- Comment on Anon wants $3 million 5 weeks ago:
URL check saves me once again. I can’t believe how many people just raw dog links.
- Comment on Would you consider me a “dry texter”? 5 weeks ago:
Dryer than the Sahara desert
- Comment on Entropy? Never heard of it. 5 weeks ago:
Trees aren’t actually that great. Algee is what is really effective. Codyslab has some great videos and some wild ideas on application for it.