- Comment on [deleted] 6 days ago:
If you would like to live there someday I would recommend that as your goal. I would recommend you start doing some research on permaculture which is about building wholly sustainability. Part of this sustainability is financial and piecewise building and investment. So if you want to build and live on this one day you will need the money for it.
So start with leasing the land for at least 1 year to get some cash and for you to better understand where you might want to build a structure and what you need. This allows you to plan and see what part would fit a dwelling the best. This also lets you figure out what you need for this house (i.e. water, electricity, waste removal etc.) as well as figure out how this investment can make money for you. Start small and build modularly. Your dwelling may start on as shack or even a place to set up a tent and grow larger. Same with whatever you end up doing with the land.
Permaculture talks about building food forests which are sustainable year round sources of food, goods or materials. Some of which you can sell or use yourself. These are typically perennial plants, vines and trees which all grow off each other and make a beautiful space. This can be your space for “remote working” either for yourself or visitors.
While planning on starting on this you can continue to lease your land to farmers as you slowly take it over yourself for your bigger vision. This is suppose to be small, slow but sustainable growth to your final vision.
- Comment on Why is electricity not part of the classical alchemical elements? (Earth, Fire, Wind, Water) 2 weeks ago:
Duh. Rubbing things together releases their own internal fire
- Comment on Why is electricity not part of the classical alchemical elements? (Earth, Fire, Wind, Water) 2 weeks ago:
I think it was lumped into fire. Since lightening does cause fire in nature. Moreover, I think fire stood for heat as well since fire is pretty much the only way to naturally heat something
- Comment on Is it possible to eat a toxic amount of culinary herbs/spices? 2 weeks ago:
Caution is a good idea but as long as you aren’t drinking gallons of tea or taking tons of herbal pills you should be fine.
- Comment on Is it possible to eat a toxic amount of culinary herbs/spices? 2 weeks ago:
It really depends on the herb but as a general rule you likely cannot. If you are cooking and decide to add double or triple or even 10x the herbs / spices then the recipe suggests you will be fine. The worse case scenario is that you make it taste bad. That being said everything is poison at high enough doses but for culinary herbs that is a huge dose. You will really have to force yourself to eat large enough quantities since it will taste very unpleasant.
There are plenty of other plants that are more dangerous.
- Comment on What is your bath mat situation? 2 weeks ago:
We are just upgrading ours for our primary bathroom since we are doing a glow up. We are going to have two waffle style rugs / mats to fit our strange space. One for in front of the mirror and one in front of the tub. We have a large shag style one that was always on the floor but now has been upgraded to be used to get out of the shower and then hang to dry.
The “permanent” bath mat gives me the ick thinking about it.
- Comment on Lightning bugs!! 2 weeks ago:
We got piles on my gardens which will get covered for composting in place for the rest of the year. Also our wildflower garden is pretty much untouched except a yearly mow to remove baby trees. So plenty of spots for bugs
- Comment on Lightning bugs!! 2 weeks ago:
I saw a few lightning bugs in my yard last year. My life goal have them consistently in my yard. Good thing this dovetails nicely with my other life goals of getting butterflies, bumblebees and birds in my yards
- Comment on Is it a red flag if a potential employer rushes you? 2 weeks ago:
There’s so many different companies that are just resume hunting. Don’t know why really
- Comment on Is it a red flag if a potential employer rushes you? 2 weeks ago:
I’ve found that jobs that are actually hiring move quickly. They move from applications to interview within a few days. Constant talking about within the hour seems excessive.
- Comment on Good ear protection for concerts. 3 months ago:
I have loved by Loops for concerts. They keep all of the music but remove all of the screaming. I used them when I watched Taylor Swift which was all screams and loved it
- Comment on Do you consider Taylor Swift to be of the working class and why? 3 months ago:
With her current amount of money I think that would be a No. However, it is interesting since she directly makes what is she is getting paid for which is her music. There are obviously teams of people she employs to help with this process as well as the spin off products (merchandise, CDs, movies, etc.) but she directly makes what she sells like all musicians. If she was barely scraping by with just her music I think most people would say that she would be working class. So it gets blurry.
I think its similar to athletes who do the core work that they get paid to do (i.e. play the sport). But make additional funds by selling their name and likeness. So they could be considered working class but then you get to the amount of money they make as well.
- Comment on Who stole all the pies? Michelin-starred chef 'gutted' at theft of 2,500 pies. 3 months ago:
I hate throwing away food. Its awful
- Comment on wooly bears 3 months ago:
Try white dutch clover. It’s walkable like grass once set it. Worth a try at least. It’s been working well in our yard
- Comment on Is non-sexual masochism a thing? 3 months ago:
Exactly. There are some asexual kinksters as well as those kinksters who play with people who they are not sexually attracted too.
- Comment on They're called leaves for a reason. 4 months ago:
Just remember that month suggestions online are for certain geographic areas. You might need to move them earlier or later. (The best rules I have seen is when nights are above 50 F in North America)
- Comment on Drink it, I dare ya 5 months ago:
Its not even carbonated. I bought it thinking that carbonated coconut water would be awesome. It is not but tastes pretty good.
- Comment on get nettle'd 5 months ago:
Beautiful word
- Comment on get nettle'd 5 months ago:
Hot streams mostly. So hot it’s boiling. If I would be more specific I would say steam streams.
- Comment on get nettle'd 5 months ago:
They are super high in vitamins and minerals. Most wild foraged and grown herbs have more vitamins and minerals per oz than even cultivated super foods like spinach. You can even get most from brewing it in a tea
- Comment on get nettle'd 5 months ago:
You need more rawness but you are close
- Comment on get nettle'd 5 months ago:
Nettles are easily removed of their stinging property by drying or cooking. Light streaming even does it
- Comment on aspirations 5 months ago:
Imagine getting a small tank with an octopus in it Trick or Treating.
- Comment on aspirations 5 months ago:
I did got as a blue ringed octopus for Halloween one year. Man I used to be so cool
- Comment on Butts 6 months ago:
What a job to research Butt Stuff
- Comment on Hasbro CEO Says AI Will Become Core Part of Dungeons & Dragons 6 months ago:
They already have a character tools on both Dndbeyond and roll20. The rest are already in the “This is your life” section of xanathars. Nothing AI needed
- Comment on Hasbro CEO Says AI Will Become Core Part of Dungeons & Dragons 6 months ago:
I am happy getting physical products since they can’t be changed and I own them. Nothing digital ever again
- Comment on Hasbro CEO Says AI Will Become Core Part of Dungeons & Dragons 6 months ago:
Sound terrible
- Comment on Hasbro CEO Says AI Will Become Core Part of Dungeons & Dragons 6 months ago:
Never “buy” a digital only product. They have already taken them away once
- Comment on Hasbro CEO Says AI Will Become Core Part of Dungeons & Dragons 6 months ago:
Only DND and AI combination I want is a massive random table. I want thousands of good human made ideas that I can query for a random selection using tags. This is not what is going to be made.
Using current AI for DND ideas gives the worse most cliche and generic responses that bore me to tears.