- Comment on I had an anonymous Google account I had been using with Grayjay. Today, they decided I must be a bot. 4 days ago:
There are better video platforms in terms of structure etc. and also for self-hosting with peertube. The problem is that people can’t migrate to an alternative of the same size. It’s the chicken and egg problem. The big ones were just lucky to be the first at the right time.
- Comment on Please allow ads! JK, you need to subscribe, too! LOL 1 week ago:
I did not respond to the OP’s statement. I merely corrected your statement, as an extremely large number of articles are copied from somewhere these days. Which is absolutely no secret. International articles that are then chased through a translator and then published without being read. including nonsense from the translator.
The terrorizing then takes place later with copyrights etc. between publishers and the public. Yes, DRM is already terrorizing
- Comment on Please allow ads! JK, you need to subscribe, too! LOL 1 week ago:
Based on the fact that I haven’t lived under a rock for the last 10-20 years. The more the internet expanded the more sources there were to copy from and since then it has increased greatly. You only need to search for the headline and you will find several “sources”
- Comment on Please allow ads! JK, you need to subscribe, too! LOL 1 week ago:
*the articles they copied somewhere else
- Comment on Hardcore gaming 1 week ago:
You shouldn’t just be there because the woman is important to you, but above all the child. From that point on, it shows that he’s not in the mood and is more focused on his hobbies. So he can’t separate himself from his shitty technology at such important events and maybe just read a book or something…
I feel bad for the kids future
- Comment on Get a smiley for driving too fast 1 week ago:
Lol i ckeary See it on phone without fullscreen
- Comment on Jeep Introduces Pop-Up Ads That Appear Every Time You Stop 2 weeks ago:
Ad-free but perfect for profiling. This allows devices from the entire network to be assigned to at least 1 person. Wirehuard@home -> pihole (only allow the permitted connections to the device with pihole and no other access in the network) -> wireguard@trustworthyvpn.
- Comment on Developers: "Yes, the users love cluttered homes, just put everything there and ignore guidelines" 3 weeks ago:
You can see the symlinks in the FHS picture
- Comment on Developers: "Yes, the users love cluttered homes, just put everything there and ignore guidelines" 3 weeks ago:
I can’t remember if I got it from here or from reddit. I just saved both of them.
- Comment on Developers: "Yes, the users love cluttered homes, just put everything there and ignore guidelines" 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on YouTube not loading half the time. 5 weeks ago:
- Comment on Based Red Dead 5 weeks ago:
Far far away. It says what it says. America shits on human rights etc and loves slavery… but demonizes pure black slavery because of racism but not because of slavery itself which America is learning. Typical American: Down with the people and their rights! Slavery slavery slavery slavery!!! America First!!!
- Comment on I mean, that's literally the opposite of what I want 5 weeks ago:
In addition to what you already mentioned, I think there was also something if there is a donation button.
- Comment on I mean, that's literally the opposite of what I want 5 weeks ago:
They are not 1:1 the same versions as in the playstore. As soon as in-app purchases are available. This means that you can only update the app via the same store and the other would require a new installation due to a different signature.
- Comment on Based Red Dead 5 weeks ago:
Another example:
It’s like a Nazi meme saying it’s good that >Jewish< genocide has stopped… But that implies that any other genocide is of no interest and will not be criticized.But yes defend your rassist hateful shit point telling other then black slavery is ok!
- Comment on If you shop by unit prices, double check the math! 5 weeks ago:
Second is scam by 2 for 12$, 35c per 100g. = 3,50 per 1kg = 7 for 2kg… So 6.97 for 1 kg by 35ct per 100g. Wtf?
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
- Comment on Based Red Dead 5 weeks ago:
The nice thing is that even population groups elsewhere on earth who never had anything to do with slavery condemn all slavery and also that it is good if slavery is generally ended. Without differentiating whether black or white because slavery is to be despised whether black or white. Do you think a black slave would have sought a difference to a white slave and vice versa? No…after all, both would have experienced the same fate… It is those who are not affected who want to differentiate as if one slavery is worse than the other… those who are affected would not do that…
- Comment on Based Red Dead 1 month ago:
Yes ok then say that you are happy that slavery of black people has stopped and that you don’t care about any other form of slavery. < That’s what the statement suggests because you’re not talking about slavery in general but explicitly about black slaves…
- Comment on Based Red Dead 1 month ago:
Would be good without modern slavery right? Penal labor. But well affected are black white whatever.
- Comment on Based Red Dead 1 month ago:
No, I’m just saying what I wrote. It is not meant to be an equality or anything else but just a statement that it is good without any slavery no matter what origin, skin color and (even if I am an atheist and despise any religion) religious affiliation. It was also not referring to Americans but a general statement.
- Comment on Based Red Dead 1 month ago:
Much people forget before black slavery there was white slavery… So its just good if there is none slavery.
- Comment on Nintendo Switch 2 finally officially revealed 1 month ago:
Is that why it’s so important for you to tell me? Block != start conservation.
- Comment on After shutting down several popular emulators, Nintendo admits emulation is legal 1 month ago:
I don’t want to contradict that at all. I’m not up to date and only read articles on “IT” sites, but these mostly refer to the fight against F/OSS which is then directed against the emulators. They hardly ever mention action against ROM sites.
- Comment on Nintendo Switch 2 finally officially revealed 1 month ago:
Das Spiel wird darauf mit deinem Acc verknüpft und aktiviert damit du dieses nach dem kaufen direkt installieren kannst. Was schon in den AGB’s bei Account Erstellung geregelt sein müsste. Um halt so ein Schwachsinn direkt zu unterbinden. Bei Valve ist es zudem reinste Kulanz. Noch ein Grund warum mich deshalb so ein Verhalten ärgert… da die Leute sich da einbilden wer weiß was an rechten zu haben und solche Themen findet man auch da regelmäßig im Forum. Wie gesagt schon damals als man noch physische Kopien im Geschäft kaufte war Umtausch ausgeschlossen sobald die Folie entfernt wurde da nicht sichergestellt werden kam ob key benutzt oder sonst was. . Der Unterschied beim digitalen findet die Verknüpfung definitiv statt direkt beim Kauf.
Wenn man aber nicht mal mitbekommt wann man zahlungspflichtig kauft läuft etwas gewaltig schief… da entweder PayPal schon verknüpft und benutzt wurde ( das es ohne Weiterleitung funktioniert) somit die Aussage mit dem nicht wissen totaler Quark ist oder aber man erst eine Weiterleitung zu PayPal hat zum bestätigen und da wird dann sich darauf hinweisen.
Ja sind schöne Paragraphen aber viel Spaß beim versuchen. Da wird dann zwar eher die Zurechnungsfähigkeit infrage gestellt aber viel Glück beim anfechten.
- Comment on After shutting down several popular emulators, Nintendo admits emulation is legal 1 month ago:
I remember that Valve also caused trouble there. Since you saw the Yuzu surface briefly.
- Comment on After shutting down several popular emulators, Nintendo admits emulation is legal 1 month ago:
Logical conclusion takedown of the ROM’s and not the emulator. ROM’s can be obtained without problems, I don’t regularly read that sites are taken down or people are taken up. That’s just a convenient excuse. Nintendo just knows that their only argument is exclusive titles. Who would still want a Wii if you could use it better on the steam deck with yuzu?
I also remember that I often read that you have to organize such and such files yourself. Where then reference was made to original hardware/data carriers and not to Rom pages etc. I had problems with Zelda in particular.
- Comment on Nintendo Switch 2 finally officially revealed 1 month ago:
Wie gesagt geh in ein Geschäft Kauf ein Spiel öffne die Folie und Versuch dann umzutauschen. Da die Produkte mit Key kommen, sich mit dem Acc verknüpfen etc. war es damals schon so das man vorher überlegen muss da keine Rückerstattung. So als es dann zu digitalen Medien ging wurde auch immer weiter DRM ausgebaut. Man wird in Deutschland nicht ohne Grund als raubmordkopierer direkt auf gleiche Stufe wie Mörder oder Räuber gestellt. Warum ich direkt so negativ reagiere? Tja weil das auf bestimmt über +50% der Leute bei steam zutrifft. Die blind kaufen… Bei denen der kick durch den klick kommt… Bei Leuten die bei einen Zahlungsanbieter testen ob man die Dienstleistung nutzen kann und sich dann wundert … Viele viele Probleme wären fast nicht erst wenn Leute sich nur mal 5min Zeit nehmen statt nur zu konsumieren.
- Comment on Nintendo Switch 2 finally officially revealed 1 month ago:
We are talking about digital goods that are generally excluded from exchange. Even my little niece knows that. So lazy, stupid customer: find out on YouTube? Better not. Find out on gaming/review websites? Better not. Just google it or read at least 1 sentence about it before buying? No, better not. Buying blindly and then lining up like a toddler because you weren’t able to think about it thoroughly beforehand instead of buying blindly.
- Comment on Nintendo Switch 2 finally officially revealed 1 month ago:
Where is refund of digital goods, which must be activated or linked outside of Steam possible? With valve it is purely a gesture of goodwill. If you buy a game in a store and remove the foil, you won’t get it exchanged either. In Germany, every court would laugh at you and ask you to pay for wasting your time. Maybe you should look for the mistakes yourself? After all, you are the stupid uninformed person who blindly throws your money away. Blaming the embarrassment on the store providers is a real indictment. I’m sorry, you have completely different problems if you can’t get your act together.