- Comment on Depart, men of education. 4 days ago:
is this a reference to something
- Comment on Depart, men of education. 5 days ago:
and women
- Comment on Least extreme biophysics phd 1 week ago:
Yeah, it’s a different implementation. One has an escape hatch for the wealthy; the other doesn’t.
- Comment on frenly warnin 1 week ago:
I do feel bad for people born in the year 1488 though, their usernames look really suspicious.
- Comment on Least extreme biophysics phd 1 week ago:
I don’t really see a strong difference ultimately between “heavily disincentivizing” and banning. Heavy disincentivization basically means the rule only applies to poor people. If it’s eugenics, it’s probably still eugenics even when limited to the poor, since most eugenicists would broadly consider wealthy people to likely have good genes.
Anyway, there are times when we should attempt to lower birth rates as a society. In my country it’s not needed, since the birth rate is so low.
- Comment on Least extreme biophysics phd 1 week ago:
What do you mean? What did I get wrong?
- Comment on Least extreme biophysics phd 1 week ago:
Why is that surprising?
- Comment on Least extreme biophysics phd 1 week ago:
“Illegal experiments on babies” is a user-provided note, and is not really an accurate label. For one thing, no experiments were done on babies.
- Comment on Least extreme biophysics phd 1 week ago:
Then why isn’t the speed limit 0 everywhere? Speed limits are a balance between two opposing concerns.
In this case, ethics is holding back life-saving treatments. Ethics boards should approve gene editing more than they currently do.
- Comment on Least extreme biophysics phd 1 week ago:
you have my upvote
and my axe
- Comment on Least extreme biophysics phd 1 week ago:
Can you explain what Unit 731 has to do with Dr. He?
- Comment on Least extreme biophysics phd 1 week ago:
Okay, I do relate to this argument. It’s the ethics review board’s decision and not his to make. Fair enough. In this case, I am disappointed by the ethic review board’s decision, which is why I sympathize with the doctor.
- Comment on Least extreme biophysics phd 1 week ago:
“because that would be eugenics” is not an explanation. You’re just asserting that eugenics is bad, which is begging the question – this is a post about the ethics of eugenics. You can’t just come in and say “eugenics is bad because it’s eugenics.”
- Comment on Least extreme biophysics phd 1 week ago:
Most of us are equipped for rape and murder, but we don’t have a right to it.
- Comment on Least extreme biophysics phd 1 week ago:
Newborns need medical treatments all the time and can’t consent. I agree that the inability to consent should encourage non-intervention – for instance, we shouldn’t “correct” intersex infants’ genitals – but there is a limit to this.
- Comment on Least extreme biophysics phd 1 week ago:
Who are you even responding to?
- Comment on Least extreme biophysics phd 1 week ago:
This is a universal criticism of doing anything which is intended to be morally good.
- Comment on Least extreme biophysics phd 1 week ago:
Many kinds of early-in-life medical interventions can have permanent negative effects if they go bad, but nonetheless our ethical standards don’t preclude them. This is a field where the ethical standards are suffocatingly high without good reason. As an aside, we should consider euthanizing newborns who suffer debilitatingly severe negative side effects due to any kind of failed medical intervention (with parental consent, of course). This will directly improve life standards and also allow us to lower ethical standards on experimental treatments too.
- Comment on Least extreme biophysics phd 1 week ago:
This is very hypothetical. You could make the same argument about any experimental medical intervention in a child’s life. If I had the choice of being born with HIV or an experimental procedure with some (how much?) chance of risk, I’d chose the procedure.
- Comment on Least extreme biophysics phd 1 week ago:
- Comment on Elon Musk Shared, Then Deleted X Post Absolving Hitler, Stalin and Mao of Genocide 2 weeks ago:
As I understand it, he doesn’t tend to delete posts.
- Comment on Musk shares post that Hitler didn’t kill millions, public workers did. Union rages 2 weeks ago:
The most generous interpretation of this that I can give is, “if I ransack the government, the government won’t be able to kill millions.” Questionable logic.
The guy just enjoys adding to the number of times “Hitler” is said online.
- Comment on Inching closer to the grave every day 2 weeks ago:
I randomly download scattered memes that I will want to repost endlessly in the future. I assume other people do the same.
- Comment on I will not elaborate 2 weeks ago:
there are two distinct whole-tone scales
- Comment on Inching closer to the grave every day 2 weeks ago:
In the distant future, when we look back on scattered social media caps, we will regret that the date of posting is not shown.
- Comment on Balatro wins formal appeal to reclassify poker game as PEGI 12 4 weeks ago:
Definitely thought from the thumbnail that it was PEGI 13 -> PEGI 12.
- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 4 weeks ago:
I think it’s because most programmers use and appreciate the tool. This might change once programmers start to blame gen AI for not having a job anymore.
- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 4 weeks ago:
There are many reasons that people dislike gen AI; you can’t be sure that it’s because they dislike how it’s built on theft. Here are three different unrelated reasons to dislike gen AI:
- it puts people out of work;
- it’s built on theft;
- it produces “slop” in large quantities
- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 4 weeks ago:
By this logic, any literally any code is genAI.
Has a branch statement? It makes decisions. Displays something on the screen, even by stdout? Generated content.
- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 4 weeks ago:
Procgen is not AI. It’s not even machine learning.