- Comment on How does my local Sonic run out of just the small box of chicken? 8 months ago:
Our sonic ran out of toys for their wacky packs this week. Also lettuce, onion rings, pretzels, and limes.
I'm assuming they're having a major supply chain problem.
- Comment on What's up with all the "___punk" stuff? 8 months ago:
Questioncore, lemmypunk
- Comment on I fucking hate the job search 8 months ago:
This is how field service jobs are written in my experience, yes.
- Comment on Anon has a typical everyday average British morning 8 months ago:
Surely you know better than to ask that, Satan
- Comment on Spaceballs 2 in the works with Josh Gad starring, Mel Brooks producing 8 months ago:
They literally made the joke in the first movie. I think the only thing anyone is really surprised about it that it took so long.
- Comment on How many people actually want fully on-site IT jobs? 8 months ago:
It makes me wonder how many other people back out after hearing that the job is on-site. And it makes me wonder why this wasn't specified in the job description
They're trying not to get filtered by having it listed as on site up front, and banking on people saying "well, I'm already foot in the door i guess i could settle" once the interview process starts.
- Comment on From Software Politely Asks Players Not To Spoil Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree 8 months ago:
I am going to be so excited when the plot ends up being 'you kill god with the power of friendship'
- Comment on Anon finds his dream job 8 months ago:
The best part is that it's likely almost all true.
- Comment on Anon watches a vtuber 8 months ago:
Least lonely /vt/ poster
- Comment on Saw this and thought it was fake until I googled. It's real. 8 months ago:
Sure, but also I bet my kids would have a blast doing that for a morning.
- Comment on America’s Commute to Work Is Getting Longer and Longer 8 months ago:
Land is not, and will not for the forseeable future be the point of contention in the US, it's the rail connections and building 'well planned cities' that people actually want to live in that are basically impossible.
- Comment on am I 16 years too late for this 8 months ago:
It's got such classic lines, and black is always the new black
- Comment on Why would the NA beer industry standardize on a bottle shape that's grotesquely inconvenient, topples with minimal force, and doubles the required volume to ship? 8 months ago:
What I was referring to was the BPA lining traditionally found in cans: https://www.beeradvocate.com/articles/15869/bisphenol-pale-ale-should-you-be-worried-about-the-bpa-in-your-beer-can/
Looking it up now, it looks like there are multiple alternative linings which are being phased in and/or proposed, but every can still has some sort of lining, whether an epoxy or other similar material to protect the contents of the can from the aluminum or vice versa.
EDIT: whether or not this lining outweighs the additional transport and processing costs of glass (remelting/shaping glass is much more energy intensive than aluminum reporcessing as I understand it) was the question I was proposing and one I don't have an answer for.
- Comment on Why would the NA beer industry standardize on a bottle shape that's grotesquely inconvenient, topples with minimal force, and doubles the required volume to ship? 8 months ago:
I was under the impression that the glass was actually better, since the cans require a plastic lining to not ruin the beer and the bottles can either be recycled and reused as-is after a wash or ground up and remelted with little/no loss in quality.
- Comment on Homeworld 3 Review by Mandalore Gaming 8 months ago:
Agreed, though I think there's more to salvage from the story than he's giving it credit for.
- Comment on [US] I'm hesitating launching my own business because I'd lose health insurance for my family. What are my options? 9 months ago:
It's just so sad that the US healthcare system is the thing that's holding back business. Seems counterintuitive.
It's holding back your business. The wealthy do not have this problem.
This is working as designed.
- Comment on Make the responsible financial decision 9 months ago:
Cigarette prices didn't really budge with inflation unlike food, rent, etc
- Comment on Homeworld 3 Reviews [opencritic - 80% average, 79% recommended] 9 months ago:
The campaign is a little cutscene-heavy and a little short, but the story isn't much worse than HW2's, maybe a little better imo.
Mechanically though, it's (probably) better than the remasters. Directional damage is still there, homing projectiles are gone, fighters dynamically form squads instead of staying in a big blob or fixed-width squads in 2. I read some of those reviews at most of them don't appear to have played more than the first 2 missions? Like, there was one lore error in one line of dialogue and people lost their goddamn minds.
I think it was really just a victim of 1) Embracer's implosion meaning it had to launch now or not at all and 2) people's expectations being all the way up at 11 since the last game was so long ago. Really, a little bit of story DLC to flesh out the main campaign and there would be no problems.
Doubt we'll see it though.
- Comment on physics ≠ magic 9 months ago:
No gods or kings, only wizards
- Comment on physics ≠ magic 9 months ago:
Lifeless? Soulless? Speak and move only when infused with lifeblood or arcane essence?
Sure quacks like a golem
- Comment on physics ≠ magic 9 months ago:
Not pictured lightning making the rocks think
- Comment on Glorious Victory 9 months ago:
Never thought I would see the day.
- Comment on Helldivers 2 now delisted in 177 countries 9 months ago:
Lmao, this was such a panic reaction by sony that they've banned all US territories as well multiple countries where PSN is active.
They are so cooked that this isn't even funny.
- Comment on EU says three Chinese electric vehicle makers have not supplied sufficient information for its anti-subsidy investigation, warns it would "use evidence available elsewhere to compute tariffs" 9 months ago:
They seem to be doing alright so far
- Comment on Imagine denying other living and breathing lifeforms agency to thrive amd change lol lol lol 9 months ago:
Tree law continues to be the wildest
- Comment on Tell me what it smells like in the comments! 9 months ago:
Only if they've failed to drink their verification cans.
- Comment on I diagnose you with dystopia 9 months ago:
Let them fight
- Comment on Garry's Mod to remove ALL Nintendo content from the Steam Workshop due to takedown 10 months ago:
Ya gotta remember that at its inception, at least in the US, copyright had 2 things going for it:
The duration was limited to 14 years, not the death of the author +95 or fucking whatever it is currently, and that much of that duration would need to get burnt up in duplication and distribution of the work, all of which had significant costs associated with it. Hundred year long guarantees with unlimited instant reproduction of a work and instant mass distribution functionally for free would have been anathema at the time, and this kind of abuse of the system goes directly counter to the original as-written intent.
Too bad those 'originalists' in the courts only use that concept to suppress women and minorities instead of maybe picking up a small W with it here.
- Comment on Garry's Mod to remove ALL Nintendo content from the Steam Workshop due to takedown 10 months ago:
One of these days a Corp is going to push hard enough they get their rights stripped away for not meeting the 'to promote the progress of science and useful arts' part of the copyright clause and i'm starting to wonder if the big N is going to be the winner.
- Comment on Steam will stop issuing refunds if you play two hours of a game before launch day 10 months ago:
I think this is fine so long as valve continues to allow exceptions in cases of obvious bait and switches, etc as they have historically.