- Comment on I knew it 2 weeks ago:
This joke is literally “but what if they were gay, haha!” “I knew it!”
Its literally the bully humor that we’ve fought for years and years to rid ourselves of, and here it is on the top with over 200 votes.
This is hate wrapped in a virtuous wrapper at its most generous, and way too many people are just seeing the wrapper and not what’s just under its thin facade: homophobia.
- Comment on This is a JOKE. Its NOT real. But how about a law that forbids masturbation 1 month ago:
Real bill, but he’s trolling
- Comment on Google Advertising Out to Lunch? Simple Pivots Catch an Ongoing Malvertising Campaign Hiding in Plain Sight 2 months ago:
Wow, somebody is hunting mechanical engineers - hopefully none doing significant work get duped.
I’d be curious if the malicious downloads are basic viruses, or are something specialized to exfiltrate cad drawings, or something even more complex to subtly alter designs and cause harm
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
I’m not really sure what you’re asking, but I will say, that most couple’s, be they gay, straight, or otherwise: do not like to talk about explicit details of their intimacy.
What happens in the bedroom are sensitive vulnerable personal moments. And its generally culturally taboo for strangers to ask and pry and expose those details.
- Comment on Heavy Mathematical Breathing 5 months ago:
Quite abstract indeed
- Comment on Navy warship production hits 25-year low, falls behind China: report 6 months ago:
I fully agree, companies whine and complain that they can’t find any skilled labor without ever acknowledging that it’s their job to train and take risks on the newbies. Instead they just want the perfect candidate for their specialized position to be gift wrapped and at “market rate” and desperate enough to go through multiple interview stages.
Even in my job, I’ve asked over and over for them to hire a junior/apprentice that I can train up from the beginning on our complex system and work, but they just want to hire short term contractors instead. We end spending the same amount of time training them as a junior, but then 6-12 months later when their contract is up, they go off somewhere else and we have to do it all over again and never build on our foundations.
I was hired as a contractor, and stuck through until I was an employee, and I’m now 5 years in, but it was not easy. It was essentially a two year paid interview.
And most don’t make it that way. If I was hired as a real employee as a junior, and able to train my way up with the masters of my company, who knows where I’d be and how not-delayed and not-over-budget our project would be.
When I talk to business about it, they moan how employees and contractors come from different budgets and the stock market favors contractors so their hands are tied, and I call bullshit on that. It’s bad business and the solution is obvious - train up the workforce you want to have.
It’s like buying a good pair of boots once, or buying cheap boots every year.
- Comment on Navy warship production hits 25-year low, falls behind China: report 6 months ago:
To reach across the divide for a handshake:
This is something Biden and many progressives have been pushing for,
Free community college/trade schools:…/readout-of-white-house-meeting-o…
Advanced manufacturing training and jobs in the US:…/fact-sheet-biden-harris-administ…
And even pushing paid apprenticeships:…/fact-sheet-president-biden-signs…
And specifically in shipbuilding and getting the workforce where it needs, both in private ships and the military, the admin is moving in the right direction, opening new shipbuilding yards, getting people to train up, and putting in ship orders…/fact-sheet-white-house-announces…
Getting more manufacturing back in the US, becoming more self sufficient, and having dignified employment are all my goals as a progressive too, and I’m really happy there’s movement from the current administration in their areas (despite complaints in other areas)
(I used all Whitehouse links as a from-the-horses mouth source, but there are plenty of articles about each)
- Comment on Dishwashing 6 months ago:
Technically… yes
- Comment on GLAMour 7 months ago:
I’ve seen something like this referenced a couple times now, what is it?
- Comment on Suddenly fading out of existence 8 months ago:
It stems from a conflict of need and want from what I understand.
The need for a national id and the refusal of the citizens for a national id. There was a lot of controversy about the SSN because it could be used as an id and the people didn’t want that being so privacy conscious, so they made the numbering system simple and that card fragile to show and dissuade that it isn’t a good id to get the SS passed.
But of course, there’s still a want/need for some kind of unified id across the nation - so it was used anyway
And thus we have a terrible id system: flimsy, deterministic, and mostly-unchangable
If you know the social security number of someone born in your hospital in the same day, it’s likely your ssn’s are right next to each other and could be guessed
At this point, I don’t think there would be much resistance to a national id, and it would be great for an update that is both securely random, and changeable so that leaking your SSN isn’t such a crazy risk, having it in a laminated card with a chip and electronic signature even better.
- Comment on Life By You devs spent “a month in purgatory” prior to closure, says laid-off designer, despite their sim-like exceeding Paradox's expectations 8 months ago:
Killed two weeks before launch? That makes no sense
What a sucker punch to that entire team.
I’d rather something to release than for nothing to ever come out, or if it’s not up to snuff for the publisher, for the team to go indie (like this one tried to) and still release it rather than having it be forever undercooked in a vault somewhere.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
What an apt comparison
- Comment on Discord to Start Showing Ads for Gamers to Boost Revenue 11 months ago:
I’ve been wanting to move off of discord for a while
Discords been showing signs of Skype-ification for a while, and the ads seal the deal.
I imagine the same feeling for a number of others too, I’ll be convincing my friends to switch.
Fuck ads in my chat.
- Comment on Discord to Start Showing Ads for Gamers to Boost Revenue 11 months ago:
- Comment on Discord to Start Showing Ads for Gamers to Boost Revenue 11 months ago:
Is there a fediverse-like equivalent alternative to Discord?
Is there a chat app that can be self hosted, but interact with a web of other instances, and has web, mobile, and app interfaces?
Something with dm, group, voice chat, screen sharing capabilities?
- Comment on Bethesda Gives A Small Update On The Elder Scrolls 6 11 months ago:
I don’t even care anymore
I don’t trust them with games