- Comment on Name & same. :) 9 months ago:
I won’t even post to Hexbear without rereading my post and editing spelling/grammar errors, how do people submit research papers that will effect their professional reputation without doing it?
- Comment on sweet dreams 10 months ago:
this is the ending to Men in Black (and then they did it again for the ending to Men in Black II because that film was creatively bankrupt).
- Comment on trains 10 months ago:
- Comment on magic beneath the forests 11 months ago:
This reminds me that I’m writing a story about a witch and one of the first things that happens is that she pisses off the mushrooms and they tell the trees not to talk to her. I should get back to that.
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
I’ve been on both sides of that kind of interaction, though not in academia. I met my boss of six months for the first time like two weeks, tbh I’m not sure if I would recognize him (or anyone else on my "team"for that matter) if I saw him again right now.
- Comment on Temperature 1 year ago:
I’m not sure which one of the people in the meme I am, but they pay me pretty good to do what I do so I’m not gonna stop.
- Comment on octopus stinkhorn 1 year ago:
be restrained by the tentacles