- Comment on Why do most Americans use an iPhone? 1 week ago:
- iphones are the first recognized “smartphone”.
- apple is an american company.
- apple has a massive fanbase that is completely dedicated to apple and all their products.
i’m not sure what the global usage of apple products is, but i think here it’s probably a lot higher than in other places. throw in the fact that there’s only one device capable of (legally) running apple’s mobile software, and there you have it.
also, their advertising didn’t hurt either. no one on the android side had the kind of advertising they did until maybe 6 or 7 years later and by that time you were probably already well established in the iphone ecosystem.
- Comment on is it wrong/selfish to cut contact with my trump-supporting father? 1 week ago:
no. the entire personality of a trump supporter is donald trump. cutting yourself off from them at this point is not about politics as far as I’m concerned. it’s about morals. these people have shown, as many as two times, that they are cool and support every thing he does and says. that’s a moral issue. and cutting out the people who have the same morality as trump is not a you problem.
- Comment on have you ever been given a warning or suspension for using profane language at work? 4 months ago:
the profanity flies frequently at my place of work. we do give writeups if our employees are saying that in front of customers.
except for me, because I don’t curse (out loud). in fact if I start doing it everyone around me would actually be worried if I was okay.
- Comment on If a planet was completely covered in water, wouldn't it all be freshwater? 4 months ago:
probably not.
unless the planet is water all the way down, I don’t think it’s possible to have life or even submerged landmasses that don’t have the chemical elements that can create salts. dead things would dissolve in the water and chemicals in rocks will leach into water over time.
now if this water planet is far enough away from the sun to freeze, sure. the frozen ice should be all fresh. I’m not aware of any salts that stay in frozen water ice. the stuff underneath the frozen stuff most definitely will be salty.
not a chemist or chemistry major but I’m using the word “salts” deliberately. there’s more types of salt than NaCl.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
not to me.
I stayed in a college town for a summer in a state college prep type program, so I would have been at the perfect age to really enjoy the “college town” experience. it’s not really for me. and it doesn’t really have much of anything to do with the town itself. I liked the place that I stayed in. however driving over 30 minutes to go to a place as middling as a japanese restaurant was not so appealing. having services around is important to me, so unless it’s a giant college town like lexington, ky I’m not going to be interested.
ps. I’m not going to live in lexington because lexington sucks.
- Comment on Why is living with your parents considered a bad thing? 1 year ago:
I would have but I got caught up in the great recession before I could leave.
then when I finally got enough money to consider looking for a place, I received a very serious medical condition that wiped out finances and seriously affected my working ability. this condition also makes it almost necessary for someone to be around. so unless I hit the powerball or megamillions I’m going to be in my parents house for a while.
- Comment on the lemmy system 1 year ago:
it said incorrect login credentials when trying to log in.
the link in the email takes me nowhere but a blank page.
- Submitted 1 year ago to [deleted] | 7 comments