- Comment on I am in the US and its gotten very political but as pretty much a peon do I just tune the stuff out thinking its fear mongering? Or should I closely pay attention to it? 3 weeks ago:
Not so easy to Ignore what you know.
Knowledge is power, but ignorance is bliss.
I follow the news until I can’t take it any more, and take a break until I can again.
- Comment on Learning a new language is easy! 1 month ago:
American here who studied German for eight years, graduated with a minor in German, and lived there for one year:
I’m not sure how to properly translate this children’s book.
The long word breaks into easily-understood pieces:
But in order to get a proper concept back out of it you need to know what order the pieces go together in and I don’t know that.
travel-thing is a vehicle.
help-ability is emergency services
Beyond that I have to guess — Is group-travel-thing a crew vehicle, making this a crew vehicle for extinguishing?
Or maybe extinguish-group is a fire crew and this is a vehicle for fire crews?
Either way I feel like the author is using a lot more word-parts than they should have to for what is (clearly in the picture) better described as a pump truck.
- Comment on what's the best way to react if a guy stares at you like he wants to have sex with you when you're doing yoga? 2 months ago:
Yes. Say it out loud.
I am almost 50 years old and understood for the first time this month that the reason my wife doesn’t like going out alone to explore new places is fear of men and not fear of getting lost etc.
For mumble-mumble years it has never occurred to me to wonder about this
- Comment on Not Worth It... 4 months ago:
This image appears to have been color-enhanced, in case anybody is concerned with reality. A brief image search (which will no doubt do wonders for my reputation with the CIA) shows cheetah testicles range from tan to slightly-orangish-tan
- Comment on Do deaf people play media with sound on? 5 months ago:
I think the issue is that the people writing the captions don’t understand and can’t write it down.
Obviously the producers could fix that but it would be a process change, which would take some attention from a powerful person who cares about the issue. As you imply, that seems to be in short supply.