- Comment on Pizza 5 months ago:
That’s why he couldn’t hold it in.
- Comment on Dune is about worms. 5 months ago:
Some might not realize that this is necessary to avoid the Australian sandworms. She was just trying to share her culture with us, and we gave her so much grief for it, smh.
- Comment on Jon Stewart on Why Trump Wants Biden Back So Badly He's Reusing His Old Attacks m 6 months ago:
Trump keeps insisting that he defeated Biden too fast this time: beat him before the votes were even cast by winning so hard in the first debate.
So yes, it’s exactly what you said: Trump knows that he never gets to legitimately claim victory over Biden, so he’s delusionally claiming it anyway with any rationale he can come up with.
- Comment on Checkmate, Atheists 6 months ago:
My only concern is the demographic that would have been too lazy to vote but now will be frothing at the mouth to vote against a black woman.
I can only hope they’re outweighed by the demographic that was apathetic toward Biden but is willing to get off the couch to vote for Harris.
- Comment on Also, you have been turned into a worm. 7 months ago:
If we are now considering philosophical intellectual exercises to be memes then this description is accurate.
- Comment on Another mystery solved. 7 months ago:
You can’t prove that Godzilla’s bones aren’t hollow ballast tanks that can be emptied and filled as needed.
- Comment on Another mystery solved. 7 months ago:
Ordinary biomatter is very close to the density of water to begin with. That’s why having a little air in your lungs is enough to be the difference between sinking and floating.
If Godzilla’s biomatter under 1atm of pressure has a density close to water then being able to compress or expand an empty chamber inside his body by even just a tiny percentage of his ordinary overall volume could be the difference between floating at sea level or sinking to extreme depths.
- Comment on Another mystery solved. 7 months ago:
“Lungs aren’t really inside” is not an argument that I thought I’d be confronted with.
If you find that your lungs are not inside your body then I urge you to seek immediate medical attention.
- Comment on Another mystery solved. 7 months ago:
You’d be right if the cavity is only compressing other organs inside the body without changing the overall volume, but I don’t know why you seem to insist on making that assumption.
I thought it would be clear from my original description, via the analogy with lungs, that the cavity would not squish the internal organs but rather expand the overall volume of the body.
- Comment on Another mystery solved. 7 months ago:
My head canon for sea-based Kaiju is they have a sack of muscles somewhere inside their body that can expand a cavity, kind of like the diaphragm expands the lungs, except instead of taking in air it just creates a volume of vacuum inside of them. This makes them extremely bouyant relative to the surrounding sea pressure, so they rapidly ascend and can casually float like a boat near the surface.
But if they ever want to dive again, they just let that cavity collapse and all their bouyancy goes away.
- Comment on Experimental Evidence No One Expected! Is Human Consciousness Quantum After All? 8 months ago:
Human beings are desperate for human consciousness to be something special, beyond the limits of the material world, because it feels special and important to each of us. Quantum mechanics is what people with overactive imaginations who like to think they’re scientifically minded use as a substitute for magic or the spiritual. Of course people will latch onto this baseless theory.
- Comment on 🤠 Yee-haw! 8 months ago:
Might be interesting if we could compare the percentage of pitbulls that have killed or maimed a child versus the percentage of IDF soldiers that have killed or maimed a child.
Maybe even more informative would be the average number of children killed or maimed per pitbull versus the average number of children killed or maimed per IDF soldier 🤔
- Comment on Risk your life with this one easy trick! 9 months ago:
I feel like this is rapidly approaching the “is water wet?” conundrum.
- Comment on Historical fun fact 10 months ago:
I could easily defeat 600,000 babies in a chess match.