- Comment on Why do people still eat beef when we know it's terrible for Earth? 10 months ago:
So, OK, I’m willing to learn: please show me good brands then.
They need to resist to mud (thick mud, the kind with a ton of suction that will keep your soles when you try and move), seawater, rocks and sand, and pretty dense vegetation.
They also need to have steel toe caps, good soles (vibram or equivalent if possible) that don’t sleep and aren’t too hard (wet stone is enough of a removed as it is), and to go higher than my ankle.
The best brand I tried so far was caterpillar, but they lasted only 3 years. That’s a far cry from “a decade or more”.
- Comment on Why do people still eat beef when we know it's terrible for Earth? 10 months ago:
Exactly. Nah, we just gotta have man made monoculture everywhere, or a desert, right? So that, in the end, it just amounts to deserts anyway. Yay. 😶
- Comment on Why do people still eat beef when we know it's terrible for Earth? 10 months ago:
Yeah so, the amount of meals is correct. But that’s about it. I mean, I can’t say about the taste, to each their own, but one kg of cow meat needs two dozen kg of grain.
That’s about as inefficient as it gets.
As for the leather, the industry doesn’t like products that last a decade, so it isn’t actually using the leather in such a way. Industrial leather boots last a year tops.
Finally, pet food is made out of discarded cuts of meat, the uglies, etc. But also lots of cereals, and vegetables.
So we could really afford eating less meat. It isn’t good for anything. Not for us, not for the other species (certainly not for the cows, that get often half assed butchered in a hasty way because of quotas and profit), and absolutely not for the ecosystem.
But I guess the taste is all that matters.
- Comment on A bot in Tekken 8 is demolishing players by only pressing one button over and over 10 months ago:
So I was right. It is about the controller…
- Comment on Quite a talent 11 months ago:
Notable flatulists: two Brits and a French. I dunno you, but they seem full of shit.
- Comment on This is a Test 11 months ago:
A then C. If you know how to do it ofc. If you don’t, then assume it is. Very different situation if the weapon is loaded. Both require C, but one much more intensely than the other.
- Comment on ))<>(( 11 months ago:
(> (explicit) (implicit))
- Comment on ⌛⌛ 11 months ago:
3090 degrees is damn close to its boiling point (which is 3265 degrees). So I’m pretty sure it “becomes clear” with temperatures a lot lower than that (it melts at 1414 degrees).
- Comment on Botanical Ghoul Haunting 11 months ago:
This is the rule 34 outcome of “Plants vs Zombies”.
- Comment on Derps of Tiktok 11 months ago:
And then the next days, news were all about teens who committed suicide (or failed to, ending up as vegetables) in a similar fashion.
That was weird.
- Comment on Totally hiring this guy instead of a eulogy. 11 months ago:
I mean his email is Dirt nap Brian after all.
- Comment on Her accent makes it so much funnier 11 months ago:
“I’m being serious. I’ve never seen something this disgusting in my entire life.”
That’s a “you” problem, lady.
- Comment on Her accent makes it so much funnier 11 months ago:
You’re right, send her a goatse link. Saves time.
- Comment on A handy reference 11 months ago:
- Comment on DOUBLE ERUPTION 1 year ago:
No, this is the maddest of lads.
- Comment on Someone gets killed by a car, so they restrict e-bikes. 1 year ago:
- Comment on Biomimicry 1 year ago:
Right, anytime anyone fucks up it’s sarcasm, anytime anyone is dumb, it’s a joke, nothing is real, everything is a cake.
- Comment on Who made more money with it, him or Prince? 1 year ago:
Lucky motherfucker.
- Comment on Biomimicry 1 year ago:
Why are people so unfathomably dumb, like I’m afraid.