- Comment on after 40 all meals are horror 5 months ago:
Genuinely, why? Personally, I’m happy to eat basically same meals for a few days before they get boring, and you can vary your sandwiches a lot of you so desire.
- Comment on Somehow USB disks are still the easiest and most reliable way 7 months ago:
I used to use FTP for file transfer, nowadays I just start up a HTTPS server on the source machine and grab stuff from there.
- Comment on Look you've just to got read the prologue that was a limited edition IHOP giveaway in 2015 and the story is awesome 7 months ago:
Well, it was a spur-of-the-moment sort of thing when I went and looked at their site and it just had a bunch of names with no numbers there under the book art.
Went and checked now and site looks entirely different, and I can clearly see the issue numbers. I don’t know, maybe I hallucinated it.
- Comment on Look you've just to got read the prologue that was a limited edition IHOP giveaway in 2015 and the story is awesome 7 months ago:
Yeah. I tried getting into comics once and got a multi-gigabyte archive of deadpool stuff.
…couldn’t make heads or tails of it.
Actually couldn’t get into IDW sonic/transformers for the same reason. WHERE DO I START!?
- Comment on Radioactivity 7 months ago:
Chernobyl isn’t safe safe, it’s just safe enough for wildlife to survive there, possibly with lowered life span and quality of life.
Also, there’s a decent danger of radioactive dust coming off the book if it’s handled. It may not be that radioactive, but if it clings to you, or you breathe it in, it will do considerably more damage than if it was all one solid rock that made geiger counters click.
- Comment on *doing my best google impression* Did you mean: turn in up? 7 months ago:
“speak-singing” is a thing some people do to work around language issues, apparently it’s an entirely different part of the brain.
- Comment on Cursed wretched marketing 7 months ago:
It makes gray look red because it’s similar luminosity. White still looks white.
- Comment on Cursed wretched marketing 7 months ago:
…I was gonna say it took until it was shrunk down to the thumbnail to see red, but nope, it actually has red in it in the thumbnail.
ImageImageGuess this is specific to how often you see cans of coca-cola?
Here, I put the image through a CGA-2 ditherer (only available colours are black, cyan, magenta, white). I don’t see any red at all now.
- Comment on Anon watches a vtuber 8 months ago:
Yeah, same. I think it’s because avatar will have some level of desync with the audio.
…or blink one eye after another or wink randomly.
- Comment on New FPS Built Using Doom Tech Is Better Than Most AAA Shooters 8 months ago:
I feel like it’s a little disingenuous to call it “Doom Tech” when it’s modern GZDoom with proper full 3D and shit.
But it is true that it’s way more systemic than anything AAA in the genre.
- Comment on Anon watches LOTR 10 months ago:
Not to lump everything into one pile, but there’s definitely some problems with movie planning nowadays.
That’s what is pointed out in all those “this movie production literally sacrificed ten VFX studios on a mayan altar” documentaries - some of new directors don’t plan shots ahead, require seeing the result and then re-doing it ad nauseam, and as a result waste WAY more vfx team effort and don’t get good scenes.
Setting up visual storytelling and using good cinematography is hard - which is why to a lot of people the 3D movies like Spiderverse/Last Wish/Nimona stand out so much, you kinda have to plan ahead for a 3D movie, and even if you don’t modifying a scene is easier (if you do it early enough in production).
I’d imagine that it’s similar for writing - large monologues like that are probably the outcome of the writing team needing to put all they mean to onto the paper. Maybe also result of focus-testing being passed down directly to writing staff?
I don’t know, I’m just a random guy on the internet but those are my two cents.