College Prof in the US, focus areas are Human-Computer Interaction, Cybersecurity, and Machine Learning
- Comment on Is it wrong to like AI Art work? 1 month ago:
For the same reason painters display their canvases and not their brushes.
- Comment on Why The Democrats Never Get Anything Done 8 months ago:
Ok, will do! You have fun ignoring facts that are contradictory to your worldview. At least we agree that it was “unfair for [you] to get into too much of a back and forth about the video without having any idea what’s in it.”
- Comment on Why The Democrats Never Get Anything Done 8 months ago:
He calls out citations for claims in the video
- Comment on Why The Democrats Never Get Anything Done 8 months ago:
So, to be clear, after 3 highly confrontational comments about how bad the contents of the video are, you STILL have not watched it? I think you are right, we are done here. This was such a weird pro-ignorance hill to die on.
- Comment on Why The Democrats Never Get Anything Done 8 months ago:
So, I was right that you didn’t watch the video, and instead of watching the video, you STILL did not watch the video. And you STILL don’t know what the core of the video is about because AI is shit at summarizing stuff like this. It wants to present a list of talking points, but does not know how to emphasize important parts or highlight which parts were focused on the longest.
I don’t have the time to debunk all of this gish-gallop. The main points are that what you identified as “If this was the core of the video, it’d be grand” and “More good stuff” - IS the core of the video - taking up, a roughly estimated, 15 minutes of the 21-minute video runtime. Your speculation that “The solution is not to vote for Biden/Harris” is incorrect, as the actual call to action was to be more active in Democratic primaries. (Specifically calls out George Ladimer vs Jamal Bowman in New York as an example).
Honestly? If this video was being made in 1995 or 2004, it’d be great.
Yeah, pretty much exactly what I said in my original comment. Most of this video is providing historical context and explaining how the modern American political-economic system works.
- Comment on Why The Democrats Never Get Anything Done 8 months ago:
I really feel like you replied without watching the video because none of that is from the video.
The video explains what a sacrificial villain is in the context of a two-party partisan legislator, expands on why this is necessary in modern politics, then encourages the viewers to continue to support more progressive Democrats so that the strategy is more difficult to pull off successfully without alienating large populations of voters.
- Comment on Why The Democrats Never Get Anything Done 8 months ago:
Surprising to see so many on lemmy not watch the video, or recognize that it is by Second Thought.
I watched this video earlier today and it didn’t contain any particularly new or insightful information for me, but that’s almost entirely because I’ve been somewhat politically active for a while, which I don’t think is strictly his target demographic at this point.
Second thought’s videos were very uncomfortable but informative when I was first learning about socialism.
Again, just surprising to me that they aren’t more popular in this online space.
- Comment on Good game soundtracks? 8 months ago:
Rise of Nations soundtrack is fantastic sandis the only “video game music” that I semi-regularly listen to.
Especially check out “High Strung” that would always play in multiplayer whenever a player dropped a nuke on another player.
- Comment on Star Trek Is Showing More Love To Scott Bakula’s Enterprise 9 months ago:
I’ve only made it to season 2, so I’m holding out hope that it gets better, but lazily progressive seems to describe it pretty well.
The one that really runs me rough it how Tilly is very clearly coded to be some type of neuro divergent, probably autistic, but also only when it is convenient and quirky and will not interfere with the plot too much.
Her suddenly being very socially adept when the plot needed her to pretend to be an evil commander or whatever, and she dropped all of her character flaws to make it happen just felt so out of character and lazy.
Also the scenes with Spock and “child abuse bad” at the start of the red angel arc was very ham fisted.
I much preferred how SNW handled the “our wonderful society is supported by horrible child labor and death” arc. Still about as subtle as a brick, but it at least felt like an attempt was made to encode a message, and not just saying it at the viewer like a pre-school cartoon recapping the message of the episode.
- Comment on no it do not 9 months ago:
They do deep dives are random shitty people throughout history, and occasionally contemporary people like Andrew Tate. Usually it is people like 1940s gangsters, 1990s drug kingpins, King Leopold the 2nd, and fittest gurus from the 1800s.
- Comment on Warnings meant to last 10,000 years 9 months ago:
I am at a loss for words that I could recognize it almost immediately.
- Comment on Thomas Edison was the Elon musk of his era 10 months ago:
Reasonable minds feel free to disagree, but I’ve got to admit that I’m shocked to see the lemmy community rally around the defense of Ray Croc of all people.
- Comment on Thomas Edison was the Elon musk of his era 10 months ago:
And Ray Croc didn’t invent McDonald’s, but poured the foundation that McDonald’s is built on. I place Musk in a similar, although not entirely the same, category.
- Comment on this one goes out to the arts & humanities 11 months ago:
The subset of integers in the set of reals is non-zero. Sure, I guess you could represent it as arbitrarily small small as a ratio, but it has zero as an asymptote, not as an equivalent value.
- Comment on this one goes out to the arts & humanities 11 months ago:
It feels like you didn’t read the 2nd half of their comment. They do practice. They have a creative side that they want to explore, but they don’t enjoy that sort of grind. Instead, they like tinkering and combining tools in interesting ways. I don’t think this is a bad thing.
Leo Fender didn’t play guitar and always wished that he’d sit down and devoted the time, but never actually enjoyed it. But to say that Leo didn’t contribute to the music world, would be insane.
- Comment on Found in the wild 1 year ago:
Yes officer, it’s true. This man has no dick.
— Bill Murray in Ghostbusters
- Comment on Please Stop 1 year ago:
Yeah, I think that seems to be the case here. It just feels to weird me to have a politicized data structure.
“Remember kids, only coke-fiends and meth-heads use Binomial Heaps.”
- Comment on Please Stop 1 year ago:
Sure! So some students of mine were working on a multiplayer video game that was started by a different group of students the previous semester. The first group of students made a design choice that, to over-simplify, basically tracked achievements and milestones on the client side and then synchronized those achievements to the server. Players could cheat the system by sending malicious packets of achievements to the server. Some achievements could only be completed by a single person in the game, so this was a big problem for the 2nd group of students to overcome. Faced with the choice of rearchitecting the game to be more authoritative on the server and less resilient to frequent disconnections, which affected some aspects of the game, or creating a logical and verifiable sequence of in-game events on the server side. The students went with the latter, and implemented a Lamport clock using a blockchain to verify the authenticity of the events, and prevent a rogue student from updating the game later to give themself a bonus. Basically, along with needing an authoritative sequence of events that is protected from user interference, it also needed to be protected from developer interference.
It was kinda similar to that situation a few years back of the EVE online developers playing the game and giving their guild members certain bonuses and special in-game items. The solution there was to fire the malicious developers, but I can’t exactly fire an entire class of students from an educational project.
- Comment on Please Stop 1 year ago:
How can you trust that the database is really append only? Blockchain provides a way to verify the state of the database and the ordering of the transactions. Beyond that, not much benefit to be had. However, for certain situations, that is a very big benefit!