- Comment on Got told by a teacher at a college that I need to enroll for Cisco classes. But offers free classes. If I complete the classes will I be able to get a cert in Cisco 1 ? 4 months ago:
What is your degree program? Or, what is your career path?
In general, when people say “Cisco” certs, they almost always mean CCNA, which is the associate level Cisco certification, and gives foundational network knowledge that is highly valuable and transferable to other IT and cyber fields.
Cisco CBROPS probably won’t get you in the door at a SOC without other work experience or certifications, unless the place is super aggressive about churning through SOC I analysts.
- Comment on Replacing an old mini fridge 4 months ago:
Legally, those aren’t mini fridges.
- Comment on Should i be giving a shit about my posture? 4 months ago:
Don’t worry about what you can or can’t do four weeks from now. Stay focused on what you need to do this week.
- Comment on Should i be giving a shit about my posture? 5 months ago:
On day one, do one push up. Day two, two. Sounds a bit ridiculous, but it gradually builds difficulty.
Crucially, it is not all in one sitting. On day 10, so five when you wake up, and five before bed. Break it up into something achievable. And if you miss a day, don’t sweat it.
- Comment on Should i be giving a shit about my posture? 5 months ago:
More likely, poor posture is a symptom of poor core strength, particularly, your deltoids and lower back. Try taking a short walk once a day; Yoga is a great next step. Longer term, maybe light weights or rows alongside a treadmill or stationary bike.
- Comment on As a non-techie, where/how can I find out if software is safe? 5 months ago:
Even as a power user… You can’t.
And, in the 21st century, nothing on your computer is safe and private, least of all, browser extensions.
Even if an extension is safe today, with a tiny handful of notable exceptions, it will be”monetized”, or bought and sold to someone that will use it to install adware on your system, train their AI model, or steal your personal information.
There is no feasible defense to this for a layperson, other than absolute transparency in FOSS, and even that is under attack via flaws in the software supply chain.
The best a layperson can hope for is that major vendors care more about exclusivity and locking others out of their ecosystem, such that they are the only ones who have full control of your data (Apple, Google, Microsoft).
- Comment on Know any good pinball video games? 6 months ago:
Metroid prime pinball was incredible, especially with the use of the rumble pack. Underrated accessory for the DS.
- Comment on Anon wants to be a vampire 7 months ago:
You farm the remaining humans like livestock? We mastered factory farming 100 years ago, no reason things need to change just because the animals can talk back.