- Comment on Performative Perp Walk 1 month ago:
When did I say I was a Democrat? Both parties are too far right for me personally. I’m saying you can’t blame the average voter for our 2 party system we’re stuck in. The majority of Americans aren’t happy but how exactly can it be fixed when more than half of them can’t even be bothered to even think of politics? Decades of indifference allowed this, not the people who actually regularly make it to the polls even while pissed with their options.
- Comment on Performative Perp Walk 2 months ago:
You’re acting like the only other option wasn’t Trump again. Most people didn’t vote for Biden/Harris because they actually wanted Biden or Harris, but because we’re trapped in a 2 party system in a country where half the population doesn’t even vote.
- Comment on [Même] Which movie was this for you? 3 months ago:
I watched the behind the scenes for that movie and found out that it wasn’t even drivable. It had to be pulled for all the chase scenes with a cable along the set. Now when I’ve put it on I only look at how the car moves. That’s one of those movies people took too seriously, it was fun.
- Comment on US Democracy 3 months ago:
If he’s not, I know a ton and can say it’s a mixed bag … Many clowns are like Santa’s and magicians…they’re not the most forward thinking and take themselves waaaay too seriously. Most new age and haunt clowns are cool peeps. It’s the old school “clowning art” gate keepers and the evangelical clowns that tend to be insufferable.
- Comment on I'm not worried you're worried 3 months ago:
Thank you so much for voting. I’m still hopeful as well but don’t see myself sleeping anytime soon. As you said…I’m just so tired of it all but know it’s just the beginning. Thanks for being my virtual anxiety buddy!
- Comment on I'm not worried you're worried 3 months ago:
I’m in one of the bluest cities in one of the bluest states…I’ve voted in every major and local election since I was old enough, I’ve protested, I’ve tried to get people to vote, I’ve marched, I’ve tried to kindly change minds through patience…I’ve been doing it since high school and I don’t know what else I can personally do. If people hit the streets, I’ll be there. But I’m with you, it’s like no matter what I personally do things are burning around me and this election proves there’s much more hate in this world than I’d hoped. I still think there’s light in everyone, but I can understand why people are angry with us…meanwhile I’ll just be sitting here in the middle of the night, wide awake but exhausted, hugging my dog because we have no control. Sending hopeful feelings for you to wherever else in the country you are.
- Comment on Ok boomer 4 months ago:
Same. I’m one of the few people that prefers self checkout. Covid was a magical time for me while grocery shopping. No one awkwardly had to smile after eye contact, everyone gave space and avoided each other, just get in and get out without ever taking out my headphones. Self check out is always faster where I’m from too.
- Comment on The American People 8 months ago:
I worked for a brewery that brought in all their water from the same spring or something. Even though it was a chain with multiple us locations.
- Comment on local hunger games construction almost complete 1 year ago:
There are a few roads in the suburbs that will have something finish getting fixed only for the same exact road to be torn up again for something else cause they didn’t coordinate. One time I saw a road get repaved cause it needed it, then half of it was torn back up to do some sort of maintenance, once that was fixed and repaved more of that area got torn up to change out some water stuff and drains, then a year later the whole road is torn up again to be repaved because now it’s been 5-6 years and parts of it need it.