- Comment on Does Gmail have more spam now? 4 weeks ago:
I have noticed a few messages slipping through the past several weeks, whereas I used to get basically zero spam.
- Comment on Good evening it's going to be really cold this week. 1 month ago:
When you forget to allow the druid into Leomund’s Tiny Hut.
- Comment on Real ones will remember 1 month ago:
Dredge players: I need those!
- Comment on They just don't understand 1 month ago:
Paid an electrician to fish ethernet for me from my utility closet where the router is to my home office. Was well worth the expense. WiFi is great, and I use it for all the other devices in the house. But I work from home most days, and I got tired of the random slow-downs and drops.
- Comment on Par for the course 1 month ago:
I hope she takes half his stuff.
- Comment on if you've had or have anger issues, how did you become a better human? 1 month ago:
I get super pissed when my shitty laptop and/or internet connection slows to a crawl while I’m working from home. It feels (irrationally) like a betrayal. It’s my stupid work equipment hampering me when I just want to get shit done.
I usually fly off the handle and curse a blue streak while rebooting everything. Sometimes I think it’s AV or bossware slowing me down.
Seems to happen at the worst times, too. Like when I’m trying to fix something important, and am already under time pressure.
- Comment on Do you think billionaires fear losing their fortune and becoming "a poor"? 1 month ago:
- Comment on Do you think billionaires fear losing their fortune and becoming "a poor"? 1 month ago:
I’m guessing most do not, because it takes a lot of work to spend a billion dollars. I speculate they are competitive with each other and want to be the richest of the rich. And/or they have dreams about colonizing Mars or whatever.
I think one blind spot many of them have is: you do NOT want to be a wealthy person living in a poor country.
- Comment on Romance 1 month ago:
Good grief that link is a long list of gatekeeping BS for frikkin’ hotdogs. I hate ketchup on a hotdog, but it doesn’t bother me if someone else likes it. Why try to boss the world? Let people enjoy things.
- Comment on What is your favorite Robin Williams role? 1 month ago:
Awesome movie!
- Comment on What is your favorite Robin Williams role? 1 month ago:
The Fisher King.
- Comment on why does everyone i know treat me like a child or if i was a very childlike person?? 2 months ago:
People mature at different rates. There are myriad reasons for this. But it’s OK to be a little bit immature for your age. There’s no shame in it and it’s very common. Being an adult mostly sucks, anyway. You’re already aware of it, so that’s a good thing. Pay attention to social cues and behaviors of your peers and you’ll figure it out.
- Comment on If you are a young person you have no idea how bad everyone and everything smelled until at least the 1990s. 2 months ago:
Yeah, it was weird. Most restaurants had a non-smoking section because allowing people to smoke everywhere was the norm. Leaded gasoline. Little kids playing with real fireworks. The 70s and 80s were a wild ride of irresponsibility.
It wasn’t all bad, though. It was cool being a kid at times. Playing outside almost every day until dinner time with the other kids in the neighborhood.
- Comment on Communism 2 months ago:
Anyone wanting a deeper dive, check out the books and videos of Professor Richard D. Wolff.
- Comment on if you are a doctor or registered nurse, what's the point of manipulating a patient to stay at your unit even if he wants to leave against medical advice? 2 months ago:
I assume most people in healthcare do the job because they actually do care.
The insurance companies create an environment that makes it feel like it’s providers-vs-patients. The ruling class has been doing this kind of manipulative crap to working people for generations.
- Comment on If you have diarrhea and you hold it in will your body retain some of the water? 2 months ago:
Sounds like an attempt to discover DIEarrhea. Report your findings, should you survive the experiment.
- Comment on Why do games like Minecraft require a launcher? 2 months ago:
Not sure about Minecraft, but sometimes the launcher is simply there to make configuration, startup options, parameters, profile selection, etc. a smoother experience for the user. You can do this kind of stuff without a dedicated launcher, but some software publishers prefer to divide things up this way.
It’s a dumb analogy, but I kind of think of it like restaurants. Some restaurants have a full wait staff with a maitre d, some have walk-up counter, some have a kiosk with a screen, etc.
- Comment on What do drain unclogging liquids actually do? 2 months ago:
Many of them contain lye, which is alkaline. Always read the label to check for compatibility with your pipes. Note that drain pipes can be made from a different material than your supply pipes. PVC and ABS are common, but there are other kinds.
- Comment on Why is daisychaining multiple extension cords considered unsafe, even if only done to the length of a standard cable? 2 months ago:
Years ago, I used to play live music. We played in a lot of shitty dive bars. Thinking back on all the ancient decrepit plugs we used to power our instruments, amplifiers, and stage lights with…it’s a miracle we never started a fire. Nightmare fuel now that I’m older and a little bit wiser.
- Comment on Why is daisychaining multiple extension cords considered unsafe, even if only done to the length of a standard cable? 2 months ago:
The smart answer: it can start a fire, don’t do it.
The honest answer: I’ve done it a zillion times and never started a fire. I buy heavy 12 and 10 gauge cords and only chain them to power things that don’t require a lot of amps, like LED lights.
When in doubt, a plug-in power meter is an option you can use to help monitor the situation. Plugs that draw a lot of amps can get warm, even when not using an extension cord. Also, it’s not uncommon for a device to pull a lot of amps on initial power-up, and then settle down to a lower draw.
- Comment on Saint Luigi 2 months ago:
You might enjoy the Esoterica channel on YouTube.
- Comment on What happened to techbros from the 90s to now? 2 months ago:
When things shifted from being proud of server uptimes to being proud of constant push notifications and constant pointless updates, that’s when the tide turned. Engineers lost, MBAs won, and now customers suffer. It’s all subscriptions and lootbox mentality now.
I’m guessing somewhere around 2010, but it was a gradual relentless process.