- Comment on ChatGPT is shifting rightwards politically 13 hours ago:
I wonder if the trend we all noticed where it became progressively dumber over time was a result of an intentional lobotomy to make it more conservative?
- Comment on What games other than Smite have a lot of pantheons (beyond Greek and Norse)? 6 days ago:
The Axis Unseen is about hunting (while being hunted by) cryptids from a large variety of mythologies.
- Comment on Do spiders poop ? 3 weeks ago:
counterpoint: nobody poops but you
- Comment on dear republicans, what's the point of alienating every single ally of the US? 3 weeks ago:
its not like the us wasn’t getting anything in return
Thing is, what the USA was buying with its expensive umbrella over Europe was a disarmed Europe. At the time, the USA felt it was in their interest for EU to be weak.
For a variety of reasons, the rise of China perhaps being at the forefront, the USA no longer believes its in their interest to keep EU toothless.
- Comment on dear republicans, what's the point of alienating every single ally of the US? 3 weeks ago:
I wish I was kidding.
They’re doing a North Korea. Building a completely isolated war economy.
- Comment on How is the Stock Market keeping it's value after *points to everything*? 5 weeks ago:
When the Berlin Wall fell, the predictions made at the time were for several decades of low intensity conflict (‘war on terror’) followed by another major world war. This is the expected state of the world, not some surprise outcome from out of nowhere that the capitalists haven’t planned for.
Australia is still being shielded from Chinese expansionism by NATO’s anti-access and area-denial strategy emplaced along the islands off China’s coast.
If the war in Europe expands and heats up, it will be European cities that get destroyed and EU citizens who will have to choose to fight for their autonomy or preemptively surrender to subjugation by the Tsar. USA pulling back from supporting Ukraine forces the EU to pick a path and walk it. Either they build an army capable of self-defense, or they’ll be overrun. The fighting in Ukraine prevents Russia from building up forces, buying the EU time to arm themselves, if that’s what they decide they want to do. If they move fast, there’s a chance they can win the war before it really begins.
Expect to see nuclear proliferation. Modern wars have shown that non-nuclear armed states are a toothless prey species that only exist so long as their nuclear armed neighbors permit it. During the reconstruction era following WWII, USA’s relative advantage in infrastructure and technology allowed them to grant credible security guarantees. Now that the rest of the world has caught up, USA’s defense promises have lost credibility (for example, see Ukraine).
The ocean is full of submarines, and the coastlines bristle with long range, precision missiles. World trade is expected to be among the first casualties of the next world war. Countries that are not self-sufficient will be unable to replenish their losses. Economic protectionism is a matter of national security.
Dismantling USA’s Federal government serves the interests of organized crime, ie the capitalists that own Wall Street. They’re getting squeezed by de-globalization but also expect to be able to expand into new criminal enterprise enabled by deregulation and the dismantling of the Federal government’s investigative capabilities. Without having someplace better to invest capital, might as well let it ride despite the chaos. With a world war, and possibly a nuclear exchange, just over the horizon, there really isn’t any safe place to put one’s money, except perhaps housing and real estate in those parts of the world expected to survive. Canada. Siberia. Greenland.
If we do nothing to reduce atmospheric CO2, global heating will eventually cap out at 5 degrees C and won’t go higher due to diminishing returns. The far north will need to invest in agricultural infrastructure, but once that gets built out in the warmer world, there will be more arable land than there is today. Its going to be boom times for real estate developers.
- Comment on Is it normal for high sugar contents like in cake icing to make my uvula tickle? 5 weeks ago:
I get that too.
- Comment on Entropy? Never heard of it. 5 weeks ago:
The evolution of micro organisms capable of eating dead trees and emitting CO2 as a metabolic byproduct.
- Comment on What's the greatest joy you have gotten from a video game? 2 months ago:
Kerbal Space Program: progression from being unable to get a rocket into orbit, to collecting a surface sample from all 5 of Jool’s moons in a single launch
- Comment on Epic Store's Unreal Tournament page now has free download links to Unreal, Unreal 2, and Unreal Tournament '99 3 months ago:
Anyone know what version of TacOps mod is compatible with OldUnreal’s version of UT?
- Comment on DayZ creator reveals a "Kerbal Space Program killer" with kittens and challenges license owners to sue him 4 months ago:
Did the publisher know which ip they were working on?
gestures broadly at the current state of KSP2
To quote every Oblivion NPC: “I don’t know you, and I don’t care to know you.”
- DayZ creator reveals a "Kerbal Space Program killer" with kittens and challenges license owners to sue ↗Submitted 4 months ago to | 21 comments
- Comment on Element in water heater died; less than two months old. 5 months ago:
A lot of the electricity probably came from burning natural gas at the power plant, and then some of that (~5%) gets lost in transmission. If we assume the natural gas plant is 60% efficient at turning gas into electricity, then an electric heating element in a hot water tank at your house would be about 55% efficient.
A typical gas furnace is about 80% efficient at turning gas into hot fluid, and a good one can reach 95% efficiency.
Depending on the fuel mix of your local grid, there’s a good chance that burning natural gas at home will result in less pollution than using electric resistance heaters, either for heating water or the air inside your home during winter. Places like Washington state that generate most of their electricity from hydroelectric power plants will be exceptions.
However, heat pumps can be higher than 100% efficiency. They don’t use electricity to generate heat, they just move heat from one place to another. You’ll produce fewer emissions overall by using an HVAC heat pump to heat your house, and a heat pump water tank for hot water. Even if you live in a place like Canada, you can reduce emissions by installing a dual-fuel system that will use electricity to run the heat pump weather permitting, and fall back to using gas when the outdoor temperature goes too far negative.
Using heat pumps to move heat from outside, to inside your house, to inside your hot water tank is more efficient than using gas to heat your home and water, even when the electricity to run the heat pump is generated by burning natural gas.
- Comment on Element in water heater died; less than two months old. 5 months ago:
- Comment on The Problem 5 months ago:
The lack of moderation on is a problem. For example:
- Comment on What are your favorite racing games? 6 months ago:
+1 for + Automation
Recreating production cars and racing them is fun.
Optimizing track cars for different locations is a LOT of fun. More power doesn’t always mean faster lap times - what matters is power to weight ratio, paired with getting the suspension, tires, brakes, and downforce just right.
The most fun build I’ve discovered so far is throwing a 2L, naturally aspirated V8 that makes 521 HP, into a Pontiac Fiero with racing slicks. The whole thing weighs just 1159 lbs, and can pull 3 G’s around corners.
- Comment on Launches 6 months ago:
If the sun became a red giant tomorrow, and Earth found itself inside the outer layers of solar atmosphere, then drag would start slowing it down. In less than 70,000 years, it would fall close enough to the center to be torn apart by tidal forces like one of Saturn’s moons (assuming it hasn’t already been vaporized).
If we’ve already waited 5 billion years to have our revenge, whats another 70k? The lowest amount of Delta V we can spend on this project is zero.
- Comment on Launches 6 months ago:
Sagittarius A* would like a word, and you’ll never get that word back.
- Comment on Launches 6 months ago:
What if we catch a gravity assist off Jool, and do the retrograde burn at perijool to catch some Oberth Effect?
- Comment on Finally a company's mission that I stand behind 6 months ago:
- Comment on BEAM 6 months ago:
- Comment on biodegradable 6 months ago:
it’s the bees knees when you’re married - cream pies all day, every day
- Comment on Bread 6 months ago:
After licking every slice.
- Comment on Religious people: The world is ending 6 months ago:
Scientists: Climate Change will lead to everything going to shit if we don’t change our gluttonous ways and become good stewards of Creation.
Supply Side Jesus: HERESY!
- Comment on Whoever wrote this headline has never encountered a passenger train before in their lives 6 months ago:
That’s what she said.
- Comment on Society problems? The Pokemon Company is here to help. 6 months ago:
declining birthrate is a solution
- Comment on no downvoting for specific communities? 6 months ago:
lol, thank you
- Submitted 6 months ago to | 14 comments
- Comment on That's a big burger 6 months ago:
Some people find hydrostatic equilibrium aesthetically pleasing.
- Comment on Mand got big hands! 6 months ago:
The Book of Enoch is wild though. It reads like a first hand account from a bronze age tribal getting abducted by aliens.