- Comment on Multiverse 1 month ago:
Ouch. I feel that comment on many levels.
- Comment on Checking in 2 months ago:
The anaconda is in reality a penis. Here’s the music video being referenced:
- Comment on Checking in 2 months ago:
- Comment on Funded in 5 minutes - the open source modular mini computer 'Pilet' is on Kickstarter 2 months ago:
Or the time. I would’ve gotten one if I had just a little more time in my life to tinker with it. The main appeals for me are:
1.it’s 100% open source, all files and specs will be released when they actually start shipping. So 3D printing a case with better colors should be easy, as well as tinkering with it IH n other ways.
2.Battery management is taken care of.
- It will have an LTE hardware option soon.
3.It’s a Linux tablet with an OS that it basically ready to go from the day you get it.
- It’s made for a rasberry pi 5 (not included), so Arch ARM should have a build for it sometime soon.
That’s not for everybody, but for some of us it’s appealing.
- Comment on Learning a new language is easy! 2 months ago:
Yes. German is a Lego-block language. The example in the image is extreme, but there are lots of “combination” words like that.
For example, glove is Handschuh, which means hand-shoe. A shoe for your hand.
- Comment on Mildly McInfuriating 2 months ago:
Germany has regulations for food that are much more demanding than those of the US, so there isn’t much that fast food restaurants can do to cut costs in Germany aside from the order touchscreens and such.
Excerpt about additives:
Believe it or not, big name food brands often adjust their ingredients in European countries compared to their products released in the United States. Certain ingredients that are illegal in Europe are still allowed, and commonly used, in the United States. The following eight common ingredients are approved in the U.S. but banned by the European Union or select European states.
- Common foods: Milk and yogurt
- Purpose: Injected into cows to boost milk production
- Common foods: Pork, beef, and turkey
- Purpose: Increases lean muscle near the end of an animal’s life
Potassium bromate (bromated flour)
- Common foods: Hamburger and hot dog buns, and packaged baked goods
- Purpose: Makes bread fluffier and whiter
Brominated vegetable oil (BVO)
- Common beverages: Sports drinks and sodas
- Purpose: Keeps flavor from floating to the surface
- Common foods: Fat-free chips
- Purpose: Substitutes fat
- Common foods: Frozen dinners, pasta mix, and packaged baked goods
- Purpose: Bleaches flour rapidly
Coloring agents (Red #40, Yellow #6, Yellow #5, and Blue #1)
- Common foods/beverages: Cake mix, candy, soda, and sports beverages
- Purpose: Changes food color
- Common foods/beverages: Gum, cereal, vegetable oil, butter, and beer
- Purpose: Makes food last longer
And these additive ingredients expand past the EU into the United Kingdom. For example, the American version of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese is entirely different from Kraft’s “Cheesey Pasta” sold in Great Britain. Take a look at the differences below.
- Comment on Why are peole hating on .world? 5 months ago:
Their for the tip.
- Comment on Why are peole hating on .world? 5 months ago:
Reddit pereon here. After over a year (I think, didn’t check) on Lemmy I still don’t understand the details about how works. I’m pretty busy, and it works to get me my news and such, so it wasn’t important to understand how it does so.
But now I’m inspired, thanks for that. I will look into changing servers, finding something that better fits my interests and such. I may even perhaps learn something in the process. Keeping the network decentralized is important, and I can do my part.
- Comment on Words truly matter 7 months ago:
Well that’s an opinion I xan get behind, placebos are certainly more powerful than common sense would dictate.
- Comment on Can anyone suggest some good co-op games for two people? 7 months ago:
Outward is made to be played by two players. It’s a really beautiful survival rpg with difficult combat.
- Comment on Aluminum 7 months ago:
You know thwy spelled them all wrong on purpose, right?
- Comment on Breast Cancer 7 months ago:
Nice comment. I like the detail.
For me, the main takeaway doesn’t have anything to do with the details though, it’s about the true usefulness of AI. The details of the implementation aren’t important, the general use case is the main point.
- Comment on What Can Be, Unburdened By What Has Been 8 months ago:
Yes, of ccourse. Thanks for letting us stay, we really need this right now.
- Comment on Burrito 9 months ago:
- Comment on Elections are important business 9 months ago:
I found the original so funny to say. It sounds like something in a nonsensical rap song or from willy wonka.
- Comment on Elections are important business 9 months ago:
I understood this without clicking on the link. Someone give me an award.
- Comment on Calculus made easy 10 months ago:
Yes, that’s the whole point of calculus. It’s useful for finding x if you don’t have other easier ways to do so.
Here’s an example of how dividing the area under a curve up into smaller and smaller bits helps to find a value for the area.
- Comment on Ascended to Spanish 10 months ago:
I was on reddit for years, now lemmy since the reddit enschittification started. This is the best comment I’ve ever read. So many layers of truth, meme reference, and wit!
You made my week.
- Comment on Woaaaaa 11 months ago:
There certainly are, but…
This treaty means the entire continent is for science only.
- Comment on irrefutable 11 months ago:
I believe so, yes.
- Comment on life pro tip!! 11 months ago:
This should be a stellaris litoid trait. Your pops need no minerals for food, but are highly radioactive.
- Comment on My moon is in Silty Loam but my Sun sign is Clay. 11 months ago:
Dig dig dig (^_^)
- Comment on The later books are really something 1 year ago:
That meme applies to f’n everything!
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
I’m getting back into battletech recently. The story is decent, and I just love the mechanics. I just got lucky with an AC20+++ (giant canon, the +++ means improved stats). I put it on a medium mech (wolverine), which meant no room for anything else except almmo and armor. But it doesn’t matter, it goes BOOM. Very boom.
- Comment on What's your favorite game you played this year? (Doesn't have to be released this year ) 1 year ago:
Dwarf fortress with DFhack. Now with graphics!