- Comment on if you quit a job you didn't like or was toxic, didn't the financial hit scare you? 4 months ago:
Everyone else is right. Try to line something new up first. But I was once in the position of quitting without something lined up, and the decider for me was that if I didn’t quit, I was likely to actually take my own life. It’s a matter of perspective at that point, and clearly, surviving was the better option.
- Comment on How do you even post that much 5 months ago:
I just remembered MrBabyMan. Turns out he’s still an animation editor for Disney stuff, if anyone is curious. Wonder how he feels about social media in general now.
- Comment on Steam does the opposite of forcing Arbitration on its users 5 months ago:
I kind of did the opposite. I assumed the change would be negligible or in the customer’s benefit based on Valve’s track record. I hope this never changes.
- Comment on Meatspin 6 months ago:
If you truly hate kids, this is what you have to do. Introduce dangers with plausible deniability.
How was I supposed to know the kids would use it to turn each other into meat crayons?
- Comment on Smart sous vide cooker to start charging $2/month for 10-year-old companion app 7 months ago:
The most bastardly thing they could do, right? The explanation is that processing costs money, so wifi via cloud only bullshit is getting expensive. Also, we’re disabling the only other viable alternative, effectively bricking all remote features intentionally. Why? Fuck you, that’s why.
- Comment on "My maternity leave was supposed to start next Monday and I got laid off today," former Bungie employee says 7 months ago:
Attempt to sue them first, and if that fails burn the place down.
- Comment on Finally got a skirt (alongside a Thorium pendant) 9 months ago:
It seems you were absolutely correct in this case, too. I have to admit my mistaken assumption. Good intuition on your part.
- Comment on Finally got a skirt (alongside a Thorium pendant) 9 months ago:
In that case, does it do anything neat under a UV flashlight if you happen to have one?
- Comment on Finally got a skirt (alongside a Thorium pendant) 9 months ago:
This is harmful radioactive jewelry rather than weird and neat rocks. People can and should do what they want, but it’s absolutely insane and ironic that you can buy radioactive wear-on-your-body jewelry that’s sold as good for you rather than a disclaimer that you literally should not wear it, because it’s actually poison.
But I mean, if you want to wear literal poison, I raise my glass of bleach to you.
- Comment on Finally got a skirt (alongside a Thorium pendant) 9 months ago:
They gotta be messing with us, a quick search says it’s some sort of “5G/EMF protection” thing. That’s the most ironic scam I’ve ever seen. Protect yourself from harmless non ionizing radiation by wearing harmful ionizing radiation. Thorium is weak, but damn that’s funny.
- Comment on American Airlines flight attendants say their pay is so low, they fight for airplane meals to save money and sleep in their cars—and they're ready to strike 9 months ago:
I would argue that the lion’s share of wage theft happens at the lowest paid jobs. They have no alternatives, they’re paid zero respect, the power balance is in the employer’s favor, and their employers know it. They can’t even demand a reasonable standard of living.
Well, they can but it would take a concerted effort, and the American mindset is too individualist to understand class solidarity, or too distracted by just trying to survive.
- Comment on Believe what you see, not what you’re told 10 months ago:
I bet that publicist quit the day he called the diver who rescued those kids in Thailand a “pedo guy”. That or he just got really lucky without a publicist for a long time until his opinions started being more important than his image or success.
- Comment on Bottoms up! 10 months ago:
- Comment on Did Obama Becoming President Make People Hide Their Racism? 10 months ago:
Holy crap haha. No, I either forgot or dont remember and had to look it up. Man, they didn’t even wait for the man to get in office before selling racist memorabilia.
- Comment on Did Obama Becoming President Make People Hide Their Racism? 10 months ago:
Some live a more sheltered life, and there’s always a varying degree of racism in different areas.
My experience was of becoming an adult right around that time, which just meant other adults were now suddenly ok being openly racist around me, and boy did they have a lot to say around that time.
- Comment on Must have been a whistle blower... 10 months ago:
Shouldn’t snitch, Mitch.
- Comment on Helldivers 2 Players Express Frustration On Steam As It Will Soon Require A PSN Account 10 months ago:
I would love to see Valve allow refunds. This was not an agreed upon stipulation at the time of purchase. If they pull the game from you now so soon after purchase, is it not grounds for a refund? Give Sony the choice to backtrack or lose money.
- Comment on land shrimp 11 months ago:
- Comment on land shrimp 11 months ago:
That or the cicada po boy. Exoskeleton off, a good breading, some remoulade sauce and a fresh roll sounds pretty good if their texture is shrimp like.
- Comment on land shrimp 11 months ago:
Texture seems important too, and the thought of a sap eating bug that has a similar texture to shrimp… Doesn’t sound all that bad. I’m honestly half tempted to try to test it when they emerge.
Seems like there’s a fungus that’s known to eat their ass, but as long as they’re free of that it seems fair game.
- Comment on land shrimp 11 months ago:
So like, do you have to de-shell them or do you just eat them exoskeleton and all? Given that their diet is fresh sap and xylem water, they seem like pretty clean little bugs to eat. I’d try it.
- Comment on I have to pay extra to remove ads from Prime Video 1 year ago:
It does, though this will also be their excuse just to raise the price of prime in general. Even with their rewards card and 5% back, the “benefit” of prime is getting slim for me. Might be time to cancel prime.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
If by economy you mean business owners, business real estate, and the stock market, yes. The RTO mandates certainly aren’t about protecting the workers or productivity though.
Remember, the workers, buying power, and productivity are part of “the economy” too, it’s not just what the stock market is doing. RTO mandates are harming that for jobs that can be done remotely.
- Comment on A lesson in Input Validation 1 year ago:
- Comment on A lesson in Input Validation 1 year ago:
We’re not really that unique. We’re not consciously or likely even unconsciously referencing that thread or others like it. We’re just coming to the same witty conclusions those before us did.
Even your comment comes up every time there’s a similar thread or experience. Mine too.
Happy New Year, btw.