Just a guy, doin’ stuff.
- Comment on Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race? 6 months ago:
What’s keeping him in the race is the delusional nature of his supporters. Think about all those points you wrote about what a horrible person he is. How many other candidates could survive even one of those controversies? He lives in an imaginary world of his own creation where whatever he says he believes to be true, and his cult like followers are so brainwashed that their perfectly smooth grey matter just soaks it up like a sponge. There’s precious little he could do or say at this point that would have his base leave him.
- Comment on Oil 6 months ago:
The word “Objectify” is about 2-3 syllables too long for whoever created that ad to understand.
- Comment on Toot toot 7 months ago:
He was also a taxonomist with a specialty in parasitology (I worked for him doing parasitology work on fish) turns out when he first met his to be wife (anecdote that came directly from him) he went fishing, and brought the fish to his to-be in-laws where he was sure to point out evert parasite in the fish that they would then go on to eat.
- Comment on Toot toot 7 months ago:
The rest is just the shits I guess.
- Comment on Toot toot 7 months ago:
I worked for a prof who prides himself on being an absolutely disgusting human being. Everyone has stories about talking with him in his office and then lifting his ass on one side to let rip. To make things worse, he had a fridge in his lab that he filled with booze and the stinkiest cheeses he could find, so his breath and farts were so bad they could make paint peel.
There’s crazy stories about him traveling to an international conference and puking on the guy sitting beside him and shitting his pants on the same flight.
Then on a university sponsored trip (with other viology profs/researchers) to recruit new students and research collaboration, he drank some brown bubbling “wine” that he vought from a street vendor, that everyone else refused to drink, he shat his hotel bed 3 nights in a row and every time the hotel tried to charge him for it he claimed it was just chocolate that he had been eating in bed. They then proceeded to a remote research station up on a mtn and when they arrived he rushed to the bathroom and broke the toilet immediately. They had to spend close to a week there, with no functioning toilet.
Hope your boss never reaches those levels of depravity, lol.
- Comment on Peak Fantasy 7 months ago:
That’s how conspiracy theory evolves into religion.
- Comment on N-no... you can't do this to me... 1 year ago:
Sorry, nothing I can do about the situation. I’m just going to go over here now.
- Comment on The four houses dads belong to. 1 year ago:
Side note: They do make a damn fine dish washer! (Not European)
- Comment on The four houses dads belong to. 1 year ago:
Not a dad, but definitely team DeWalt.
- Comment on Don't even ask. 1 year ago:
Suddenly, there was a terrible roar all around us, and the sky was full of what looked like huge
batsparrots, all swooping and screeching and diving around the car, and a voice was screaming: “Holy Jesus. What are these goddamn animals?”Fear and Loathing in the Pet Store.
- Comment on It's a good thing they aren't in charge of adult toys... 1 year ago:
I attended both a Halloween and Christmas party where the hosts had invited someone selling sex toys. Much hilarity and shenanigans ensued. They were both great parties.