- Comment on There Have Been Times I Liked The Villain Dynamics Better 2 weeks ago:
Actually, now that you mention it, Worm is this to a tee. Worm is still probably one of my favorite reads to date; highly recommend (it’s like a The Boys with less evil corporations and more X-Men)!
For all the praise, I’m not entirely sure I liked the ending, but the rest of the book more than makes up for it… I keep telling myself to get around to reading Ward, but so far haven’t had the time to commit to it.
- Comment on I wish you a very merry resource crisis. 2 months ago:
Lemon it’s January.
- Comment on What year is it 2 months ago:
- Comment on Wish there was a toggle for it like there is on phones 2 months ago:
We call that pseudocode and it looks fine to me. No computer will run it natively (AI meat grinders aside), but most devs will be able to pick up on the logic and convert it to actual code.
Disclaimer: am a programmer
- Comment on Valve is fixin' to start some arguments over the holidays because 'All adult members in a Steam Family' can see your Steam Replay page 2 months ago:
Rock and stone!
- Comment on Happy birthday, peon 3 months ago:
Ate without table -3
- Comment on Guys, what did you buy during the Steam autumn sale? 3 months ago:
You’re in for a treat! I picked it up at launch and loved every second of it. Heat Signature was pretty fun, but the writing and level design in Breach Wizards was just all around top notch.
- Comment on Why is the word "expat" a thing? 4 months ago:
The etymology might help break down some of the nuance here
According to etymonline the etymology for expatriate (often shortened to expat) is:
“to banish, send out of one’s native country,” 1768, modeled on French expatrier “banish” (14c.), from ex- “out of” (see ex-) + patrie “native land,” from Latin patria “one’s native country,” from pater (genitive patris) “father” (see father (n.); also compare patriot). Related: Expatriated; expatriating. The noun is by 1818, “one who has been banished;” main modern sense of “one who chooses to live abroad” is by 1902.
Immigrate, is similar, but is more used to describe moving to a place:
“to pass into a place as a new inhabitant or resident,” especially “to move to a country where one is not a native, for the purpose of settling permanently there,” 1620s, from Latin immigratus, past participle of immigrare “to remove, go into, move in,” from assimilated form of in- “into, in, on, upon” (from PIE root *en “in”) + migrare “to move” (see migration). Related: Immigrated; immigrating.
The closer synonym to expatriate would probably be emigrate, the opposite of immigrate, to leave a place.
As to why one might use expatriate over emigrate; consider the sentence “I’m an American immigrant”. It’s kind of unclear if you’re trying to say that you are an American that has migrated to another country (as in “I’m an American immigrant living in Brussels”*), or someone who has migrated to America (as in “I’m an American immigrant from Slovakia”). Using expatriate removes the ambiguity: “I’m an American expatriate” and makes it clear that the speaker is trying to convey where they are from.
* technically, using emigrant here would be more clear, but English is a lawless and lazy language
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 6 months ago:
Yeah, probably. There is a village building/ upgrading component, but it doesn’t have much of an impact on gameplay. It does get pretty tedious, especially if you’re well versed in strategy. I mostly just figured I’d throw it out as a more casual one-shot to pick up on the cheap.
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 6 months ago:
RTS. Kind of reminds me of the ground Comabt from Star Wars Empire at War crossed with Starship Troopers. Command a squad of space marines tasked with battling an overwhelming alien horde. Pretty fun campaign (if a bit of a predictable story), plus an endless mode. Not exceedingly difficult, but definitely challenging enough to make you think strategically and keep you on your strategic toes. Somewhat limited replayability makes the sticker price hard to recommend (unless your bread and butter is RTS), but it regularly goes on sale for less than $5, which it is absolutely worth!
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 6 months ago:
The whole things just a massive labor of love from a relatively small indy studio. At one point it was an RPG Maker game that was delightfully well polished in terms of story, art, and environment. After the devs got tired to rpg maker limitations, they ported the whole thing to Unity and re-released it as a free Enhanced Edition update. Childhood me played the shit out of GBA Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and it very much scratches that JRPG itch.
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 6 months ago:
Rouge like turn based dungeon crawler. Certainly not new by any means, but still a pretty decent little dungeon crawler. The art is cute and the game is pretty simple to pick up, which makes it perfect for more casual play. That said if you’re a completionist, it can get a bit repetitive, but nothing too hair-pulling. Probably not worth the full sticker price, but historic sales have knocked it down to $1.49, which is a nice balance between cheap and fun (took me about 28 hours to 100%).
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 6 months ago:
Hex based rouge like deck builder. If we’re taking indy gems, this one’s probably a nice Amethyst. Not quite the most polished (the game kind of just throws you in without much of a tutorial and the story’s pretty bare bones), but overall a solid B. If Slay the Spire and Into the Breach are your jams it’ll be right up your alley.
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 6 months ago:
Throwing in Tactical Breach Wizards, because it just came out and has very similar trun based tactics vibes, but with more sarcastic/ absurd humor that you’d expect from Heat Signature or Gun Point (on account of being from the same developer).
- Comment on Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before 6 months ago:
Picked this one up on a whim from a summer sale discovery queue and it’s been such a delightful surprise! I’ll second scratching the RPG and tactics itch, just wish I had more free time in my life right now because the game is turn based crack for me.
Bonus points for being a Unity game which makes it technically moddable (even if the developer has no plans of adding official support for it).
- Comment on Looking for Overwatch alternatives 7 months ago:
Aww man I’m sorry to hear that. I can’t say I’ve ever had that experience, but hopefully it’s been the exception and not the norm for you.
- Comment on Looking for Overwatch alternatives 7 months ago:
I kind of quit Overwatch after they sucked the soul out of it and called it a sequel. It’s not entirely a replacement, but as a fun shooter to play with friends/ family, I’ve mostly moved to playing Deep Rock Galactic. In some ways it scratches the itch: various classes/ roles, weapons, abilities, cooperation and teamwork to accomplish objectives, clicking heads and making things die, and purely cosmetic skins. It doesn’t quite have the satisfaction of a good back and forth grudge match (on account of being a PvE game), but the community is super chill, the game design about as far from predatory as you can get (while there are a handful of exclusive fomo items, it’s mostly just annual anniversary hats, or gifts to commemorate steam award nominations and such, there’s no collection interface to mock you or rub it in for not having them), and the devs are just all around great. Bonus points for being able to spin up or join missions pretty much whenever.
- Comment on If buying it isn't owning it... 7 months ago:
1080 for most disks, with 4K when marked ultra hd. It’s worth noting disk video is usually uncompressed, so it may very well look better than a stream of the same resolution.
- Comment on Good game soundtracks? 7 months ago:
Seconding Bastion! That soundtrack got me though so many grad school papers/ projects. I keep telling myself I’ll get around to actually playing that game, but I can’t shake the feeling that the second I hear “Build that wall” I’ma have some ptsd flashbacks.
- Comment on Also, you have been turned into a worm. 8 months ago:
Humor is admittedly subjective, but I enjoyed the random mismatched and subversion of expectations enough for a chuckle. The trolly problem setup and pretty much every other detail being ultimately irrelevant is rather amusing in an absurdist humor (Hitchhikers Guild) or anti-joke (yo’ Mama’s so fat… ::: spoiler spoiler That we’re all very concerned for her health :::) kind of way.
- Comment on This qualifies as a Sandwich 9 months ago:
Nothing can help you now. You are one with the cheese and the cheese is one with you…
- Comment on The later books are really something 1 year ago:
Depends, can you see the future?
- Comment on Steam Winter Sale is coming(Today), along with voting in the Steam Awards 1 year ago:
Enh, I’m not so sure about that, one of the most unique parts of RimWorld is that the primary goal is to tell a story. Even the best stories need a bit breathing room for the action-y bits to have weigh. RimWorld is filled with stories about colonies that ran out of food in the dead of winter, lone survivor types that either bleed out or later died of infection after a freak hunting mishap, or trying to hide from the flames and wait out the raiders/ murder machines. It may be waiting, but I find that more often than not (especially in the early game), it’s either a welcome break after a hectic day or an edge-of-your-seat fight-for-survival kind of waiting.
- Comment on Steam Winter Sale is coming(Today), along with voting in the Steam Awards 1 year ago:
Everyone plays a bit different, personally I’d recommend playing the vanilla game for a bit and using mods to flesh things out or iron out any rough edges in how you experience the game. The modding scene for the game is absolutely phenomenal, if at any point you’re going “gee, there’s got to be a better way to do X, deal with Y, or add more Z”, there’s probably a mod that does it, for example I like designing my colony fairly early on (so I have something to build towards), but since the existing mono-color plan gets confusing pretty fast (what was wall and what was workbench, tool cabinet, light, etc), I find More Planning to be a bit of a must have. As a blanket statement, the Vanilla Expanded mods are very well done and integrate neatly into the game (that said, they aren’t necessary meant to all be run at once, so you can pick and choose what you want and go from there).
I have a pretty decent list going, but if we’re just talking a short list of personal favorites, I really love Megafauna, Frozen Snow Fox’s Bionics, and Cyber Fauna. (Oh and a shameless self-plug for my own mods)
- Comment on Steam Winter Sale is coming(Today), along with voting in the Steam Awards 1 year ago:
I’m 1800hrs in (with probably another couple hundred making mods), Rimworld is pure crack in all the best ways possible. Hands down the best $30 I’ve ever spent on a game.
- Comment on GODSPEED [Cartoon Pilot] 1 year ago:
Olan set out to make something amazing, and boy did he deliver and then some. The theme of wanting to be remembered is just so deeply human and resonant, you can really tell that the team poured their soul into this one. I’d love to see this become a full series!
I think the “+ Iris” shot just about made me cry my eyes out