- Comment on Relationship advice? 1 year ago:
I’m pretty sure the ROI for relationships with people who quantify abstractions is in the negative.
- Comment on It was in self-defence 🙃 1 year ago:
Leave Lemmy? Use a front end with filtering/blocking? Change communities? Plenty of options if you just take a hreath and think instead of whining.
- Comment on How much for cuddles? 1 year ago:
Sorry dude but you are most definitely not Kenough.
- Comment on Wtf PeTA! 1 year ago:
They probably do bang the animals. They don’t have a problem killing them.
PETA euthanized “2,130 sick, suffering, dying, feral, aggressive or otherwise unadoptable animals" in 2022. Last years numbers aren’t out yet.
Also, they don’t define what “unadoptable” means.
For comparison, the Norfolk public animal shelter (NACC), which accepts all animals just like the PETA shelter in the same county, has a much lower kill rate.
Their free/low cost spay/neuter program is wonderful. Unfortunately, they’re too cheap to care for the animals left with them.
BTW, NACCs intake rate has increased, contradicting PETAs claims that their shelter is doing all the heavy lifting.
PETAs one and only animal shelter is responsible for 11% of ALL the surrendered animals being euthanized across the entire state of Virginia.
- Comment on Wtf PeTA! 1 year ago:
Wyoming. Or Utah. Or North Dakota.
- Comment on New server policy. Lemmites who misbehave get sent to Disney land with a bus full of Disney adults. 1 year ago:
I’d just lock myself in the bathroom and let the fumes take me.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Safety glasses as well.
- Comment on Don't even think about it 1 year ago:
What’s great about this meme format is the opposite of what their followers would do. Satanists would share their key to feed the homeless while Christians would call the police…or just shoot them for looting. Cuz that’s what Jesus would do.
- Comment on Also, the doors actually open. 1 year ago:
Nah, a Sherman would need flamethrowers
- Comment on puzzling 1 year ago:
I’m thinking of a couple of coworkers who need this. It might be worth it.
- Comment on YouTube: 5 ads the norm now? 1 year ago:
I read your edit and thought “how bad could it be?”
I started reading the comments and it was way worse than I thought.
The most upvoted comments all display a great deal of “I only read 2 words of your original post” energy.
I didn’t bother with an adblocker until recently myself because I was okay with a couple of ads or mentioning sponsors.
Then, one day, the ads just multiplied on every video. It was that sudden for me. After a couple of days, I downloaded apps for my phone and TV and it’s been wonderful.
I’ll watch YT in all its horribleness on my consoles if I’m looking for something game-related and I don’t want to get up and grab my phone.,
- Comment on Aliens decide to communicate with us 1 year ago:
Well as someone with ADHD, depression, and anxiety, as well as being on the spectrum, initially we’d be kinda screwed. I have spent a lot of time in therapy and have done a lot to manage it all, as well as developing empathy for myself and others, so not so bad.
However, I choose to be a non-theistic Satanist and an anarchist, so a lot of other people are going to be fucked. Especially those that deserve no empathy due to their hoarding of resources and exploitation of people and the planet.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Some people use the opportunity that being incarcerated provides to reflect on their choices and work to become better…then there’s this guy…if he hasn’t been to prison, he’s well on his way.
- Comment on The Insomniac Hack Reveals The Ugly Truth Of Video Game Hype - Aftermath 1 year ago:
I try to avoid reviews for games that haven’t been released or aren’t in an open beta. I am especially suspicious in regards to embargoes that lift less than 24 hours before the game goes on sale.
Publishing peoples’ private info is bad and nobody should be encouraging others to find that info.
On the other hand, info about the games should be published. If a games journalist is willing to tow to company PR lines and withhold valuable info (to players) about games, then they should be willing to cover this. If they aren’t, then they’re just a fan with special access.
- Comment on Further study is needed 1 year ago:
Sounds like some sort of conspiracy. Like universal healthcare.
- Comment on A magical place indeed 1 year ago:
I don’t get it. What magic?
- Comment on SimCity 2000 30 Years Later: An LGR Retrospective 1 year ago:
This is probably my favorite of the series. The original got me hooked on the genre but this one…the number of hours I put in, I could probably have a Doctorate in Urban Planning and Disaster Management.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
To be fair, WoW started sucking first. I just kept up.