- Comment on Anon seeks advice for real world problems 10 months ago:
That may be true, but at least the genes for night owls are present in more people than the genes for early birds.
So it should be expected that, regardless of phone usage, over half of the population will go to bed and wake up ~2-3h later than expected.
If your timezone is closely aligned with the sun, that’d be 22:00-06:00 for early birds and 01:00-09:00 for night owls,. But if your timezone isn’t, both of these times would shift around.
For me personally, no matter when I go to bed, whether it’s 22:00 or 03:00, I always wake up precisely 09:30 without any alarm clock. But this also means if I have to wake up earlier, e.g. at 8am, I’ll be very tired and not well rested.
- Comment on temperature 11 months ago:
In timekeeping, there are so called stratums to describe how correct a clock is.
Stratum 0 is a physical process, an inherent property of the universe.
Stratum 1 is a clock defined based on a stratum 0 clock.
Stratum 2 is a clock defined based on a stratum 1 clock.
So if we adopt this jargon for units:
Meter is a stratum 1 unit, defined based on the stratum 0 properties of lightspeed and cesium resonance.
Inch is a stratum 2 unit, defined based on the stratum 1 meter.
- Comment on Valve issues DMCA takedown for "Team Fortress: Source 2" 1 year ago:
If you can only have a good experience by installing malware, you don’t have a good experience.
I really should finish building that nvidia jetson based hardware anticheat that’d allow anyone to cheat even in vanguard protected games with perfect accuracy for just ~150$. Ring 0 anticheat’s only use is to spy on you and yet people will continue defending it until someone’s proven just how useless it is.
- Comment on My phone's dictionary thinks the word "expanse" only exists as a show title 1 year ago:
With that, the Germans will have finally won /s
- Comment on Fellow landchads of Lemmy. Don't you hate when this happens? 1 year ago:
If parcel A has a property value of X
And parcel B has a property value of 2X
Then you can have the same rent on both of them if building B is twice as tall as building A.
The whole “single family residential only” zoning in the US is the issue.
- Comment on What the actual f*** is this Rockstar? 1 year ago:
Cloudflare actually had to disable them because people managed to AI automate them too.