- Comment on Admin team update 2 months ago:
Thank you for everything!
- Comment on How do I... Do court? I didn't realize my license was expired and got pulled over. Now I have court tomorrow. 2 months ago:
I had to go. It was a stipulation on the offence, at least where I lived at the time. It was just enough of a violation that I had to appear to receive judgment.
- Comment on TikTok set to be banned in the US after losing appeal 2 months ago:
Some American or other company should just hurry up and make TokTik and rake in the bucks. TikTok is going to be a shell of its former self without the US base.
- Comment on Altered the timeline 4 months ago:
No, it’s been towed in between the environments, it’s not in the environment.
- Comment on gamer stove 4 months ago:
Put your mouth over the drain cover and suck it into the open position, or if there’s a blockage, hoover that up and chew it thoroughly before swallowing. The water level should decrease.
- Comment on How do I... Do court? I didn't realize my license was expired and got pulled over. Now I have court tomorrow. 4 months ago:
I’ve been to court a few times, once for a traffic incident where I hit a pole and totaled my car. Got an improper lane usage ticket. I just showed up in regular clothes, went to the front desk thing and asked where my courtroom was. They made us wait outside of it until it was time. Then I just plead guilty or whatever and had to do one of those driving classes. I wouldn’t worry too much. Yours isn’t that serious either.
Honestly kinda shit of the cop to make you go to begin with.
- Comment on 50% survival rate 4 months ago:
That’s awesome. I’m glad everything went so well. Here’s to a healthy and long life! Even the idea of going under is terrifying to me. You definitely had some courage with that attitude and that’s really admirable.
- Comment on [Tom Warren] The PS5 Pro still hasn’t sold out in the US or UK. Looks like the $700 price point will mean this console will be readily available this holiday 5 months ago:
I have a PS5 with the disc drive, which I paid extra for. I don’t see any reason to get this when it doesn’t even come with that. The performance of the base PS5 has been very good. If it’s just a hardware boost, I don’t really need it. I don’t get the purpose of upgrading. The battlefield games I play run like butter, and the new titles, like Dead Space that I’ve played also run great.
This just runs better? Not necessary to me.
- Comment on Please stop making Alien movies 6 months ago:
I love Alien. I want more. Give me more!
- Comment on Age 30 6 months ago:
You’re someone who likes Linkin Park and playing Skyrim. Embrace that shit. Take everything as it comes.
Scratch that, you’re a military trained badass who likes Linkin Park and playing Skyrim. You’ll see what you want and get that shit.
- Comment on Does anyone else feel like fireworks are a complete waste of money and a ridiculous amount of unnecessary Pollution? 7 months ago:
Interesting. Thank you. Onlly knew we have them, no idea if they even worked at all. That figures.
- Comment on Does anyone else feel like fireworks are a complete waste of money and a ridiculous amount of unnecessary Pollution? 7 months ago:
People launch large mortars in my area of 75,000 residents on a regular basis. It can scare the shit out of you if you’re not expecting it. Sometimes people get shot over here as well. I wonder how the gunshot listening stations differentiate those noises.
- Comment on Stay Mad 8 months ago:
33 after I just upvoted. Vote for the Joe.
- Comment on They're everywhere!!! 8 months ago:
“A gentleman’s hands could never be dirty!”
- Comment on I got this 10 months ago:
Thank you for being that considerate. We need more people to be like this.
- Comment on Amazon "search through reviews" is blindly just running an AI model now 11 months ago:
If the thought of a throbbing sausage doesn’t get you going I don’t know what will