- Comment on #StopKilligGames update: Finland just passed the threshold. 6 months ago:
That’s a good point too, it shouldn’t be held to the standard of a legal document yet. I watched the video and definitely did that - forgetting its initiative nature. I think it could be helpful to specify the scope a little more so it doesn’t suffer from scope creep later and get nothing done, as well as bring some focus to the future discussions. But I’m reading some good points in this thread, and I’m curious to see where it goes. Fingers crossed!
- Comment on #StopKilligGames update: Finland just passed the threshold. 6 months ago:
Good videos, I enjoyed both of them. The initiative comes from a good place but could use a little more work before being brought to gov’t, if that’s the best place for it.
- Comment on #StopKilligGames update: Finland just passed the threshold. 6 months ago:
The first video does address this idea - time stamped for convenience. Basically it’s starting the wrong conversation, without enough nuance to a group of people that may not understand the nuance of the gaming industry. Could end up with more bad than good, as gov’t has done by accident before. I recommend a watch of those two videos, I probably haven’t summed it up very well and out of context clips aren’t necessarily a good representation either. PirateSoftware’s a good speaker imo, easy to listen to.
- Comment on Anon checks out mobile gaming 6 months ago:
Pokemon was a fun emulate, anything else people like? Kirby games might be good too. Hmmm
- Comment on Are there any good casual/low-stress mobile games that aren't filled with microtransactions? 8 months ago:
Tetris with touch controls is not my favourite way to enjoy Tetris though
- Comment on Okay this is getting a bit real now Duo, thanks 💔 9 months ago:
Does that include lessons for Canto by any chance? Or just Mando?
- Comment on It's amazing so many people are able to use English as a second language. 9 months ago:
Hey that’s the raccoon whisperer but Soldier from TF2. I’ve never seen that, that’s great.
- Comment on Vanguard takes screenshots of your PC every time you play a game 10 months ago:
I might be ootl, but as far as we know, wasn’t EAC ruled out? I recall watching Pirate Software’s videos breaking everything down, and iirc, it was more likely that the individual computers were compromised at some point than it was remote code execution. Though it was still up in the air what the hacker could do, as they seemed to be able to send commands the server would accept (eg, gifting thousands of packs to steamers live on stream). Been a while since I watched, and the vids are also hours long so I don’t expect anyone else to sit through it, but here’s the first if anyone’s interested. Apex Legends Vulnerabilities - Breakdown and Interview
- Comment on Anon buys an air fryer 11 months ago:
If you happen to remember what brand name it had or what it was called, I’d love to know. Sounds amazing.
- Comment on Massive ‘Apex Legends’ Hack Disrupts NA Finals, Raises Serious Security Concerns 11 months ago:
That is crazy, are there more clips or compilations? I’m just finding out about it through this post