- Comment on Serious statement: I don't understand the argument that not voting for Harris was the morally correct thing to do, because of Gaza. Why does anyone believe this? 3 months ago:
Supporting genocide seems like a pretty good redline to focus on though. When both candidates promise to maintain or increase the genocide, why does this sham of a democracy deserve to be supported? This electoral system and US imperialism doesn’t have to be endless, partaking in the process only serves to legitimize the horrors commited daily.
- Comment on Every damn day 9 months ago:
People do on occasion, like there were armed leftists that prevented police from raiding encampments in Texas, and at some protests there have been organized armed groups like John Brown Gun Clubs or Socialist Rifle Associations. Several people that argued for more militant resistance to state violence were murdered in 2020, and many times for decades before that, so a lot of people are scared and not organized sufficiently, but there are groups that have been preparing.
- Comment on Anthropology 10 months ago:
I haven’t seen the original yet but the DS9 version of that episode was great, I was impressed they even used old style lenses and film to recreate the style of the 60s episode. It also made me realize “huh, William Shatner is kinda hot isn’t he?” Ahah. I’ll watch the original series eventually, I have a lot to catch up on lol.
- Comment on Anthropology 10 months ago:
That’s the one, I personally dislike even the smallest of spoiler so I was being vague haha. I enjoyed it though, I never watched any Trek at all before this and I’m so hooked lol.
- Comment on Anthropology 10 months ago:
There’s a Star Trek ds9 episode where a non-human alien gets sent back in time to 1947. They discover on their sensors the radiation from the continual nuclear bomb tests and are horrified that the humans would irradiate their own planet. I just recently became a ‘trekkie’ and I get it, it really has some of the best themes and plots in sci-fi
- Comment on Will Smith Zombie Game No One Has Heard Of Bombs 11 months ago:
“We can save millions in advertising, just get your friend Will to post about it, it will be great.”
- Comment on Spider cats 11 months ago:
Is the frog captive though? I had a cat that became mine after it starting killing the mice in my garage, so it was mutually beneficial, maybe the frog and the spider have an understanding.
- Comment on Can't play an EA game via geforce now 1 year ago:
They state they don’t have a gaming computer and play it through geforce now, is that actually possible for free?
- Comment on Amazing advertisement for Threads by Instagram! 1 year ago:
Well yes, I am part of the ‘radical left’, and proudly so, by that mean I believe in healthcare, food and a place to live for all people regardless of any qualifier and think the political/economic systems in place now will not achieve that.
I agree the average conservative is not a believer in that sort of antisemitism, but it’s not uncommon. In the terms of US politics, social media platforms do have a left bias, from a more global perspective though they are center or center-right, and overall just do whatever will protect their profits. Reddit, Twitter, others will ban left-wing and anti-capitalist groups and allow their algorithms to push content they know encourages far-right violence because it generates more activity.
- Comment on Amazing advertisement for Threads by Instagram! 1 year ago:
I don’t think most of us here are laughing, a motivating factor to move away from places like Instagram and Reddit for me was their habit of ignoring far-right activity while punishing left activity. Some of us here are active on the internet in large part because we know there are a lot of Nazis active too.
- Comment on How do poor people in the states give birth without money? 1 year ago:
And if you dare get together with other people that are forced onto the street and make a camp together somewhere isolated, the government tears it down and evicts you and destroys your things. Thank god for our freedom.
- Comment on How do poor people in the states give birth without money? 1 year ago:
I’m just laughing at the absurdity of someone calling poor people who can’t afford their medical bills “fucking crooks” but that actually is a position I wouldn’t surprised to see these days.
- Comment on How do poor people in the states give birth without money? 1 year ago:
I understand the point you are trying to make, but I’m not sure what you are reading into? The question was “how do poor people in the states…” I am a poor person in the states, if I was to answer I would probably say they, maybe ‘we’ if I was feeling like sharing. And it’s true, many medical bills throughout my childhood that we couldn’t afford just went unpaid, with debt on my parents credit.
- Comment on Unions work. That's why the corporations don't like them. 1 year ago:
Most people didn’t vote for him even when he won! Though I agree otherwise
- Comment on Unions work. That's why the corporations don't like them. 1 year ago:
I don’t know if you are in Europe, but I work somewhere with high safety standards relative to what I’ve seen. We had a team from EU working with us and they mentioned a few of the things we did regularly wouldn’t be allowed in their country haha.
- Comment on Unions work. That's why the corporations don't like them. 1 year ago:
I can’t think of a quick indisputable rebuttal to that claim, like I could say the companies have paid higher wages in the past relative to the value of the dollar and stayed in business, but there are a lot of factors involved that would need examining. But like another comment said risk is inherent in any business, if your business can’t succeed with these wages another company will fill your place. If no company can succeed with pay rates and benefits that are bare minimum for living then there is a root aspect of this setup that needs to change.
One thing we could do is look at companies that have unionized or increased wages and benefits for workers and were successful as a business afterwards. I don’t know any specific companies off-hand that are good examples, but there are probably some that could be mentioned if people doubt the possibility.
- Comment on How Did The Capitol Police Put Down Trump’s Insurrection? 1 year ago:
It’s funny when supporters of the attack try to say that they were unfairly brutalized by police, like we didn’t watch endless clips of people pummeled by the police for weeks for substantially less.
- Comment on New cars are great... 1 year ago:
Thinking for a second it wasn’t a typo, a land departure feature would be excellent, either flying or amphibious mode.
- Comment on How Did The Capitol Police Put Down Trump’s Insurrection? 1 year ago:
The Wikipedia article for the attack has a pretty thorough summary of the events, most aspects of it are pretty well documented as far as I can tell. Essentially, the police were able to slow them down while congress members were evacuated to more secure areas. After Ashli Babitt was shot, much of the attack seemed to dissipate, and not long after further reinforcements were able to help clear the rest of the building. Trump then told his supporters to go home, knowing they had been routed.
- Comment on Larion Studios forum stores your passwords in unhashed plaintext. 1 year ago:
I wonder how much this varies depending on the amount of data it would require to store the emails of a company. I know nothing about this subject, but does it occur where companies with very large email lists would forgo storing those types of emails to save data costs?