- Comment on Dust. 8 months ago:
has dust changed
Dust. Dust never changes.
- Comment on Anon reflects on e-sports 8 months ago:
If that’s how TFTs worked we wouldn’t have vsync settings in games.
- Comment on Beetle Bros 8 months ago:
One day Gregor Samsa woke up and realized he had at least three friends.
- Comment on New breakthrough may let us charge smartphones in 60 seconds 8 months ago:
Android already does that, no AI required. Some fairly simple math is enough.
The device first charges to 80% and holds there. It also calculates how long it will need to charge from there to full and when it will need to resume charging so that it will hit 100% just before the next alarm goes off. Then it does that.
- Comment on Some are though. 9 months ago:
Unbothered by typos. Moisturized. Happy. In My Lane. Focused. Flourishing.
- Comment on Shoot em ups & run n' guns 9 months ago:
How about autoscrolling shmups where you don’t die after every hit and get to upgrade your ship between missions?
The oldschool entry in this niche would be Tyrian – released in 1995, made freeware in 2004, then ported to modern OSes.
2004 was also when Jets’N’Guns came out. It looks more modern, has a quirky sense of humor and a badass metal soundtrack. It also has a sequel.
Both games can be found on your (PC) digital marketplace of choice.
- Comment on U.S. Sues Apple, Accusing It of Maintaining an iPhone Monopoly 11 months ago:
True. It’s just the automated transfer that doesn’t work.
I didn’t bring up F-Droid’s very existence as an argument because iOS also allows a form of sideloading these days. Android still makes it a lot easier but Apple isn’t entirely out of the loop anymore. Baby steps, I guess.
- Comment on U.S. Sues Apple, Accusing It of Maintaining an iPhone Monopoly 11 months ago:
I’m the spirit of fairness I will nitpick you.
Firstly, porting apps over between Android devices works seamlessly only if those apps come from the Play Store. Android has no provisions for auto-transferring e.g. F-Droid and its apps. So it’s no wonder you can’t transfer your iOS apps (which might not even have Android versions). But it is true that auto-transfers of Play Store apps between different Android spins is seamless.
Secondly, whether and how easily you can modify or replace your Android is dependent on the phone’s manufacturer. A Pixel is a very different beast from an Xperia in that regard. Still, Google do provide AOSP and are very mod-friendly on their own devices. Apple very much aren’t.
- Comment on I see your Outlook (new) and I raise you Microsoft Teams classic (work or school) 11 months ago:
Soon they will launch their new product, Copy of New Teams Classic (work or school) (2).
- Comment on In a way, Tasha Yar's fate actually worked out really well for the series 1 year ago:
Luckily we have Worf, son of Moog.
- Comment on Good career advice 1 year ago:
Well, this doesn’t restrict the actions of evil pirates so I guess it checks out.
- Comment on Tall, short, whatever—we're all screwed 1 year ago:
You already violated confidentiality by announcing that every muffin is now encrypted and now you try to keep mum about how it happened. Do you know what that makes you?
A tease.
- Comment on Two distinct eras of television 1 year ago:
Even if we take it to be a modern TV: How the hell did they manage to put a VCR on that thing?
- Comment on She's Thawing! 1 year ago:
The Picard/Q duet version has saved the song for me:
Of course now I think the Carey version is just wrong. She doesn’t even "try* to quote Shakespeare.