- Comment on Just don't do it 7 months ago:
A fetus and a baby are not exactly the same thing, especially only a month in.
- Comment on Galaxy S10 til the wheels come off 8 months ago:
Usb is a carrying digital signals for the most part while headphonea are analog. So you have 2 options:
- Implement some janky non-standard analog audio in some usb alternate mode that will only work with some devices
- Add a digital to analog converter in the plug itself, which is more complex and expensive
Both options prevent you from chanrging while using headphones unless you use a splitter or wireless charging which is not ideal
3.5 mm may not be the king, but it’s extremly simple and fairly robust and has little to no disatvantages except for wireless headphones sales ofc. You don’t have to charge these heqdphones, you don’t have to worry about losing one of them.
Wireless headphonwa have their uses, I doubt they benefit the majority of people tho.
- Comment on there is always one 8 months ago:
5th one just flushed the toilet
- Comment on Santa's dirty secret 8 months ago:
- Comment on Google Chrome’s plan to limit ad blocking extensions kicks off next week 8 months ago:
Unfortunately, as much as I like and use firefox on both pc and mobile, chrome and chromium based browsers dominate the market. It doesn’t help that they come pre-installed in both cases.
- Comment on Electrons 9 months ago:
- Comment on rollin' coal 9 months ago:
At first yeah, it would be fairly insignificant, but if you ever stood close to these things you know how huge they are… It’s not easy to move them around and I don’t think we’ve found much use for the materials they are made of to recycle them. Also we are supposed to reduce these mountains of waste no, use them as a justification to waste even more.
But regardless, I am sure one people will realise how much we already fucked the climate as more and more extreme weather events pop around, we’ll see more focus on renewables or at least carbon neutral sources. I think the most appealing source atm is nuclear which, although not renewable, it has a fairly small CO2 footprint, tiny size, huge and stable output and there are even reactors that can “burn” their waste to further increase their efficiency.
- Comment on rollin' coal 9 months ago:
Windmills are a whole lot better than burning coal, but aren’t perfect. Recyling the blades after their 20 year lifespan is a nightmare.
- Comment on Edited in Signal 10 months ago:
They are all the same, all spying in you. The only difference between them is who’s doing the spying and to what degree.
- Comment on You know, with his health, I'm just happy he's healthy enough to take a dump. 10 months ago:
That litter box looks tiny or these are some very large tiles. Either way it’s probably worth getting a covered litter box, no more sand everywhere
- Comment on Bots dominate internet activity, account for nearly half of all traffic 10 months ago:
Not all bots are bad, the piped bot is nice and there are others too
- Comment on I am in this pic…twice 10 months ago:
Both, these voices in my head are friendly for the most part
- Comment on They won't teach you this in Drivers Ed 1 year ago:
- Comment on Encryption services are sending the right message to the quantum codebreakers | Quantum computers may still be years away, but it’s prudent that end-to-end encryption providers are ramping up defe... 1 year ago:
Quantum codebreakers may be a bit further, but there are many entities recording encrypted traffic in preparation. Once these codebreakers will be ready(if it isn’t yet, remember military is always ahead in tech), there will be a lot of valuable data ready to be extracted.
- Comment on But my WiFi is just fine! 1 year ago:
You can hate all you want, but I tested my xbox controller connected to the PC via cable, bluetooth and the xbox dongle. The dongle was very much on par with the cable, probably because they use a custom 5GHz protocol, but bluetooth had noticeable latency. It’s not horrible, but clearly worse than the othet 2 options.
- Comment on AITA for telling a new coworker 'suck it up' when she complained about having to work with customers? 1 year ago:
This is a very toxic approach. It will lead to low moral and poor performance from that employee. If the company has the money and time to train someone who doesn’t like the job, they can sepnd it on someone who actually wants it.
When the bad reviews for shitty service show up online, the company will wish they managed the situation better, but then it’s too late and the clients are going elsewhere.
- Comment on AITA for telling a new coworker 'suck it up' when she complained about having to work with customers? 1 year ago:
YTA, you don’t just decide to force people to work something they specifically told you they don’t want not even a month prior. Horrible management… It’s your job to resolve these kind of issues, not just boss people around and look pretty.