- Comment on Why do we cry? 6 months ago:
Yeah I think there was research that sad tears had increased stress hormones in them, making them a stress reliever as well… But honestly I’m only just going off my memory
- Comment on Why do we cry? 6 months ago:
Actually when we cry we release certain types of chemicals and endorphins which make us feel good. Kinda like your body is saying hey you’re sad, this will cheer you up.
- Comment on Black Myth: Wukong launches to almost 1.5 million concurrent players 6 months ago:
They’re probably playing casual furry games lol
- Comment on Black Myth: Wukong studio requests influencers not include "feminist propaganda" or Covid-19 references in coverage 6 months ago:
Nah for a while now, this was highly anticipated within the gaming community. Journalists have covered allegations and controversies but honestly no one really cared. People wanted a good game and they got one. Politics or not, their steam review is 96% at overwhelmingly positive.
- Comment on What is the actual point of a bra? 7 months ago:
Damn you really did smoke a little too much
- Comment on Funny bad games reviews 7 months ago:
WorthABuy is fantastically cynical
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
What about those that want more than they need? Like the greed for money translates to your purchasing power and how much you can get of what you want.
So say someone works overtime, gets more money and can buy more things.
In a world where there’s no money, how does that individual get more of what they want?
- Comment on How long would it take to create a Pyramid 8 months ago:
They actually don’t know, but mathematically in order for them to build it within the historical time constraints, it had to have been done one block per minute.
Which some say is impossible with the technology they had, sparking conversation that there’s more to the history of the pyramids than we think.
- Comment on Can Trump still run for president now that he's a convicted felon? 8 months ago:
Actually to play devil’s advocate, it’s not like he has a right to the presidency. The president is voted in. So technically speaking the people decide if the felonies make a difference or not
- Comment on [Serious] Any high-quality right-wing media, books, explainers? 9 months ago:
I find the Austrian School of Economics really interesting.
Particularly books written by American economist Murray Rothbard, who talks about free markets, government (particularly government intervention) and inflation.
There’s a very short book you can read called "What has Government Done to Our Money?”
- Comment on What will happen to large companies once poor people have no more money to use? 10 months ago:
The whole model they operate on is unsustainable. Either Blackrock and vanguard keep them afloat. Or they’ll take on personal loans, issue out corporate debt. Or find ways to downscale, either job losses shrinkflation. Or raise prices. These are all desperate measures and are signs of an unsustainable company.
Losing the middle class (if that’s their target market) is a company’s biggest downfall.
And I feel that the little people will start to lose hope cause it feels like it doesn’t matter… But it’s similar to someone on credit card debt. You can only do it so long before it starts to catch up.
- Comment on Staying for the week at an AirBnB in Rochester, MN. This is what I just found out I'm stuck with. 11 months ago:
It’s actually crazy how many adults are entitled children who do know how to deal with issues
Acting like that can very easily backfire
- Comment on How A Small Video Game Narrative Studio Wound Up At The Heart Of A Massive, Anti-Woke Conspiracy Theory - Aftermath 11 months ago:
Who actually cares? A niche group of people want to curate their games based on a personal preference. Nobody has the moral authority to tell them what they should or shouldn’t spend their money on.
- Comment on Why did Pootin threaten the whole world with nuclear weapons, but then stopped doing so? 1 year ago:
Well military yes. You still have economic and cyber wars and colour revolutions (upsetting the locals to raise up against the power).
Which honestly you’re seeing more of. And military wars breaking out in territories and countries without nuclear weapons.
- Comment on How is Russia not Financially Crippled? 1 year ago:
They’re still selling it to europe, but because of the sanctions, Russia sells it to India and then India sells it to Europe.
Basically all these sanctions did was add a middle man for Europe making it more expensive but still financially supporting Russia.
- Comment on Why did Pootin threaten the whole world with nuclear weapons, but then stopped doing so? 1 year ago:
The threat wasn’t to attack. It was more of a warning, saying that if NATO was to step onto Russian soil he would use them.
Nuclear weapons are basically a defensive weapon. You never aim to use them but you have them as a deterrent. No country wants to mess with it or test whether a nuclear nation would use it
To do so is suicide, both to call their bluff or to use the weapons. So you get into a state where militarily no one can do anything (except wage a war in a country that doesn’t have nuclear weapons).
That’s kinda the purpose of nuclear weaponry. To use then it’s basically game over for everyone everywhere.
- Comment on What happens if flat Earthers go to space? 1 year ago:
Don’t get me wrong. I do love a good conspiracy, but it needs to have plausible motivation and a mountain of evidence
- Comment on Is it safe to use pans with peeling nonstick coating? 1 year ago:
Preheat the empty pan. You’ll know it’s hot enough when you throw water droplets on and it beads and dances around.
Then use a good amount of oil and/or butter. I’ve even cooked eggs without much hassle.
- Comment on Is it safe to use pans with peeling nonstick coating? 1 year ago:
I’ve looked into this when buying pans, I’d say it’s still unsafe. Apparently in 2013 they changed their formulation so the chemicals aren’t toxic and if ingested it’s inert so it doesn’t affect you at all.
With all that, I still don’t trust non-stick and bought myself a stainless steel pan and I love it. It’s easy to maintain and when cooking properly most things don’t really stick either.
- Comment on What happens if flat Earthers go to space? 1 year ago:
What I don’t understand is let’s say it is flat. Why would they go to such lengths to lie that it’s round? For what purpose.
- Comment on What are your go-to sources for game reviews and finding new games? 1 year ago:
Worth A Buy on YouTube is very honest. He’s funny and cynical, a bit like Total Biscuit used to be.
He’s one of the few I trust now for an honest review. Would highly recommend him as he’s also incredibly entertaining.
- Comment on The History Channel, now in the fantasy section. 1 year ago:
Dude yes! Whenever I’m on holiday I throw on the history channel for some light entertainment and it’s either WW2 Hitler or trash like pawn shops and black smithing
Those have a place but it consisted of 80% of the content
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Off the top of my head, Portal 2, Skyrim and Factorio. Love those games
- Comment on How should I handle an ex friend who feels like he needs to bully me to raise his own self esteem? (We're adults) 1 year ago:
The guy is massively toxic to you. Why do you want to keep that around? Just cut him out of your life. Someone like that isn’t worth anyone’s time or your second chances. It’s like he genuinely wants to hurt you. Both by rubbing in the fact that he graduated and also destroying any of your chances at succeeding your business. Fuck him.
That is unless, you’re not telling us the full story and you’ve done something to him. Then maybe you can understand why he’s going out of his way to hurt you… Either way that friend isn’t going to work.
- Comment on Military Time vs 24hr? 1 year ago:
They say fourteen hundred or 2 o’clock. I’ve never really heard anyone say 14 o’clock.
- Comment on What games have you been playing recently 1 year ago:
Eh, Ive got a 1080 ti and starfield runs terribly. I’m averaging 24 to 30 fps regardless if it’s high or low settings. So maybe wait. Not sure what you’re thinking to buy but starfield has pretty poor optimisation and if it’s a minor bump I’m not sure you’ll see much gain.
- Comment on What games have you been playing recently 1 year ago:
Oh man every so often I boot it up with fresh mods! I love that game so much.
I remember when it launched, I never heard of it, didn’t see any promotional material and just bought it out of curiosity. Was an incredible surprise and put so much hours into it
- Comment on Epic Games to update Unreal Engine pricing for devs not making games 1 year ago:
As recession looms, you have general inflation and increased interest rates. This affects overhead and loan repayments. That and probably other factors all contribute to the need to raise prices.
It’s not just the gaming sector. Almost all other sectors are raising their prices or adjusting their service plans. Eg. shrinkflation and/or lower quality on products and services.
- Comment on What are the connotations of Joe Rogan? 1 year ago:
The best thing would be to listen to some of what he has to say and make up your own mind.
Don’t let the mob tell you how to think because the mod doesn’t think.