- Comment on Plex ending support for Watch Together 5 days ago:
It’s extremely easy to use and set up. You can also use it for free for up to 5 users I think and it has a lot more configuration options than Tailscale. In my case I didn’t have to change anything at all though, it was basically plug n play.
Not sure about what you mean by “business oriented”. It seemed pretty simple to me.
- Comment on Plex ending support for Watch Together 6 days ago:
I prefer ZeroTier but both work.
- Comment on It'll happen to you! 2 weeks ago:
Well then maybe you should read the comment you replied to again? They did not talk about how much data the cable would need. They even hypothesized that the cable format might even change. The meme talks about defining hd and they commented that 8k would be enough. Human eyes will not magically get more resolving so yeah, your analogy is still bad.
I do disagree on the Hz though. It would indeed be nice if we got 8k@360hz at some point in the future but that’s not resolution so I’ll let it slide.
- Comment on It'll happen to you! 2 weeks ago:
You think that’s a clever analogy but it’s not even close.
- Comment on Gottem. :) 3 weeks ago:
I live in the city and the moonlight is clearly noticeable so I guess it depends. I mean, a city can be considered as such with as little as 50k people so I guess that, statistically, the majority of people that live in a city would most certainly notice the lack of moonlight.
- Comment on Gottem. :) 3 weeks ago:
You would notice the lack of light. The night isn’t pitch black xD
- Comment on Gottem. :) 3 weeks ago:
The moon also doesn’t emit it’s own light. It would take longer for the moon to “disappear” than it would for the sun but it wouldn’t be the whole night.
- Comment on Anon's PC works 1 month ago:
Yes, it did. It cost more and performed worse (in some cases 30% worse) than an i5 3470.
- Comment on Anon's PC works 1 month ago:
Fine for what? Youtube? That cpu had poor performance even when it was released.
- Comment on Anon's PC works 1 month ago:
Why would being an “fps fan” have anything to do with the performance of your system being decent or not? There are plenty of demanding games that aren’t shooters.
- Comment on I got into the wrong career lol 1 month ago:
I do have something to discuss. If you prefer to ignore my point then what can I say. Suit yourself.
- Comment on Anon's PC works 1 month ago:
60fps is the minimum for a fluid image so you don’t have to be an “fps fan” to want that.
- Comment on Anon's PC works 1 month ago:
since you’ll be lucky to get 200€ back if you sold the old machine.
Which is partly why I upgrade at least 1 component every 1.5/2 years. You can still sell the old part for a decent price. But, like you said, it’s not for everyone. Some people might prefer to buy a console and use it until it’s completely obsolete.
- Comment on I got into the wrong career lol 1 month ago:
Not jealous at all, just disappointed I guess. I just can’t congratulate a person that had the skill/luck/whatever to get 1M with a minimum effort and they then decide to drop out of a job that could actually contribute something to society to do the banal and functionally useless job full time. It’s incredibly wasteful.
- Comment on Anon's PC works 1 month ago:
I know but if you had a Ryzen 1000 you could eventually upgrade to a Ryzen 5000. For example, I started with a 1600 that I then upgraded to a 3600 and finally a 5600.
- Comment on Anon's PC works 1 month ago:
My way of thinking it is that I’ll always have a pc (gaming or otherwise) so I much prefer to add the extra cash to upgrade that rather than buy a console. My point being that I never pay the “full price” of the pc because I would spend at least half as much buying a “basic” computer.
Regarding used current gen consoles, that depends on where you live. In my country, for example, a used ps5 costs about 700 vs 800 new. It really doesn’t make any sense.
- Comment on Anon's PC works 1 month ago:
Everyone’s different. Maybe for you playing a game on “high settings” in 1080p@30 is enough but others might prefer 4k@60 or 1440p@100 or more fps. Also, define “modern”.
- Comment on Anon's PC works 1 month ago:
The hw might’ve been cheaper but a console will end up being more expensive that a pc in the long run. Not to mention that the only input method available is a controller. There are quite a few games I would only olay with a kb+mouse so, for some people, a console is not even an option.
- Comment on Anon's PC works 1 month ago:
Specs? 2016 is pre-ryzen so I sincerely doubt what you’re saying is true. Even if you have the then top of the line i7 6800k.
- Comment on I got into the wrong career lol 1 month ago:
This reads like a typical white knight comment one might find on reddit. Lemmy is getting more and more disappointing every day.
If you really believe that a person that makes 1M on OF “deserves” that money and did “hard work” then I don’t really think there’s anything we can discuss.
- Comment on I got into the wrong career lol 1 month ago:
I’m sure “working hard” is way more important than being attractive on a platform where people pay to watch attractive women naked. Oh, wait…
- Comment on I got into the wrong career lol 1 month ago:
- Comment on Anon discovers Japanese jazz 1 month ago:
Give Takanaka a try.
- Comment on We tested the Nvidia App performance problems — games can run up to 15 percent slower with the app 2 months ago:
The proprietary gsync approach with a dedicated hw module is indeed dead and most “g-sync” monitors just use the now pretty common vesa’s vrr (aka freesync).
However I did research a bit and found some “gsync pulsar” monitors but none have been released yet, I believe. They do sound like unnecessary overpriced products though. That’s Nvidia for ya.
- Comment on We tested the Nvidia App performance problems — games can run up to 15 percent slower with the app 2 months ago:
Ray tracing*
RTX is a brand.
Regardless, given the performance impact and how few games actually have ray tracing (implemented correctly), it makes more sense to just disregard ray tracing altoghether.
It’s an undercooked technology used to push more expensive products, nothing more.
Regarding dlss vs fsr and xess, yes dlss has better quality but it’s also proprietary so I honestly do not care about it. Just like gsync died, dlss will eventually die as well.
- Comment on Depressing awful town 2 months ago:
As I already said, “american” cheese is called cheddar pretty much everywhere.
- Comment on Depressing awful town 2 months ago:
It’s used in hamburgers all over the world basically and you can purchase it in most supermarkets. In my experience, at least.
I’ve seen it in at least Japan, Spain, France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Hungary, Argentina and Brazil. It’s also always labeled “cheddar” instead of “american”.
- Comment on We tested the Nvidia App performance problems — games can run up to 15 percent slower with the app 2 months ago:
How can you “rely” on DLSS when you can easily use XeSS or FSR?
- Comment on Depressing awful town 2 months ago:
I suggest you google cheddar cheese then.
- Comment on Depressing awful town 2 months ago:
Cheddar has more calories and fat than mozzarella. It’s also more processed and has more additives.