- Comment on The gentrified forest near me removed the bins. .. From their café/picnic area 1 week ago:
Idk, it looks like it works (or maybe people are just getting better at not littering and it correlates), but this is one of those things that can be measured so I’d trust department of conservation research over my own anecdotal evidence.
- Comment on The gentrified forest near me removed the bins. .. From their café/picnic area 1 week ago:
I don’t know. I haven’t seen the research.
I was alarmed by it at first but it’s been a few years now and the parks where I go which used to have them don’t seem any more littered fwiw. If anything less so.
But that’s anecdotal and as I understand it the decision was made based on more than that.
- Comment on The gentrified forest near me removed the bins. .. From their café/picnic area 1 week ago:
This has been happening in New Zealand for a while. The theory seems to be that bins attract more litter and are a hazard to wildlife.
I was sceptical at first but it actually seems to work.
- Comment on Least extreme biophysics phd 1 week ago:
He didn’t give them that though. He just claimed he did.
- Comment on OpenEvidence Sounds Promising, but is it Reliable? 3 weeks ago:
I think I’m just going to have to agree to disagree.
AI getting a diagnosis wrong is one thing.
AI being bulit in such a way that it hands out advice humans already know is wrong, like vaccines cause autism, homeopathy, etc, is a malevolent and irresponsible use of tech imo.
- Comment on OpenEvidence Sounds Promising, but is it Reliable? 3 weeks ago:
I take your point. The version I heard of that joke is “the person who graduated at the bottom of their class in med school”.
Still, at the moment we can try to avoid those doctors. I’m concerned about the popularizing and replication of bad advice to extend to others.
The problem here is this tool is being marketed to GPs, not patients, so you wouldn’t necessarily know where the opinion is coming from.
- Comment on OpenEvidence Sounds Promising, but is it Reliable? 3 weeks ago:
I’d hope the bar for medical advice is higher than “better than the worst doctor”.
Will be interesting to see where liability lies with this one. In the example given, following the advice could permanently worsen patients.
Given that the advice is proven to be wrong and goes against official medical guidance for doctors, that could potentially be material for a class action lawsuit.
- Comment on OpenEvidence Sounds Promising, but is it Reliable? 3 weeks ago:
When we look at passing scores, is there any way to quantitatively grade them for magnitude?
Not all bad advice is created equal.
- Comment on the GIRTH 9 months ago:
If they were the size of a penis it would just be the male condom with extra steps.
- Comment on military industrial publishing complex 11 months ago:
That outsourcing can be ropey. You should always get your own line editor if you’re dealing with one of the big academic publishers.
- Comment on military industrial publishing complex 11 months ago:
This, surely it’s more usual? The first time I ever reached out the person sent me three recent articles and an invitation to let them know when/where my research was published, even though it wasn’t relevant to their discipline.
I was a lowly grad student and he was a senior academic with his own lab. I’d heard of his research because it was mentioned in a science documentary on tv, and the whole experience really gave me a happy feeling.
I can see why only did it the one time after the experience they had, though.