- Comment on Who stole all the pies? Michelin-starred chef 'gutted' at theft of 2,500 pies. 3 months ago:
Headlines from a Stavros Halkias X PAYDAY: The Heist crossover promotion.
- Comment on Toddler teeth 6 months ago:
- Comment on pringles 6 months ago:
Pringles aren’t legally chips because they’re made from mashed potato dough (as opposed to slices of potato), hence why marketing calls them crisps even in the US.
- Comment on Finish him. 🪓 9 months ago:
I mean Newton thought alchemy was a real science. Apparently he wrote over a million words spread out over years on alchemy and conducted countless experiments, these papers were only found after his death.
- Comment on Gender-specific toilets to be required in non-residential buildings in England 10 months ago:
Wait what if the building is a small shop that has a singular room with a toilet and sink in it? The little bookstore near my house only has 1 water closet. Those type of stores will be illegal to build from now on?
- Comment on Horseshoe theory 11 months ago:
What? They evolve into Kabutops.
- Comment on Is "Burn Notice" worth watching? 1 year ago:
Watching whilst doing something else sorta TV.
- Comment on Banksy Encourages Fans to Shoplift From Guess Since Company 'Helped Themselves to My Artwork Without Asking’ 1 year ago:
I definitely wouldn’t get a Flipper Zero for the purposes of theft. Allegedly it is a legal device that can be re-programmed to disable security tags and open charging ports on Tesla vehicles, which is wrong.
Definitely do not purchase a Flipper Zero and utilize it for theft or disruption. Its purposes are to open garage doors.