It’s good that Anon didn’t watch Dexter then
Anon watches Breaking Bad
Submitted 11 months ago by to
Comments 11 months ago 11 months ago
Who says they haven’t? Someone needs to check their air vents. 11 months ago
Just study law when you’d normally be asleep and represent yourself, Anon. 11 months ago
Well, Aaron Paul keeps getting hotter the more he smokes. I think we have a case of false advertisement in our hands guys. 11 months ago
Hi, Saul Goodman here, and I will fight for you! 11 months ago
Actually if you watch the show they make a huge effort to not just never tell/show you how meth was made, they actually deliberately get a few things wrong to ensure no one recreates meth
In other words, the show creators did their part to try and stop this 11 months ago
I have always liked sturdy women. You know a good hearty woman. I’m not a small person. I like a thicc woman.
With that being said. I was friends with benefits with a chick in high school. One night we were riding around and she offhandedly says that she needs to lose weight. I, jokingly said “Well, you could always smoke crack”. The laugh and then silence that followed would be very telling.
That night was the last I heard from her for about a year. I would call her occasionally and her mom would say she’s not here, or she’s gone with her cousin. Finally I give up and before I know it a year has gone by.
One day my phone rings and I answer it. It’s home girl. I ask how she’s been and where she’s been. She says she’s been ok, and in rehab. Apparently her and her cousin had been smoking crack. She asked if I knew where to get her some crack. I never liked uppers. So, naturally I had no clue where to get her some crack.
She never said it was my joke suggestion that inspired her. But it’s too much of a coincidence. I’ve always carried a little guilt for that. 11 months ago
No way she wasn’t already doing crack or thinking about doing crack before you made that joke dude.
She is her own person with her own responsibilities. Unless you put that pipe in her hand it’s not your fault. 11 months ago
Bro, that’s not on you. You made a funny joke. It was a funny joke. It wasn’t in poor taste or anything.
I seriously don’t that was the cause for her, but if it was , then holy shit, not only did you dodge a giant bullet, but she’s absolutely fucking stupid and in no way is her behavior on you.