Man… I was such a fan in the early days. And then they got all into “productivity culture” and… basically stopped producing content. And what they did produce was overproduced and insufferable.
Hexagons Are The Bestagons.
Submitted 3 weeks ago by to
Comments 3 weeks ago 3 weeks ago
I can’t really blame the man for trying to diversify and make a little side business with the notebook/calendar stuff. I imagine the nerdy young adults in college who watch his videos make up a decent amount of his viewer base. He took a bet that demographic would be into overpriced fancy productivity notebooks, so its a know your audience type thing maybe. I still think his videos are a fun and informative watch. 3 weeks ago
Yeah, I’ll pop in and watch one sometimes, but I was like, a shirt buying, subscribing, pod-cast listening fan. And I really enjoyed his show with Brady. But it felt like all Gray did was talk about productivity, and like… no content was coming out. Granted this was many, many years ago. It does look like the recipe is still working, but there were times where it would be… months, almost years between pieces of content. Which was at odds with the very early under-produced days. But I found the obviously scripted and overproduction involved the post, the forced-ness of it all very off putting. I would put the demarcation at pre and post “Humans need not apply”, which I still think is probably the best video they’ve done. And that video was 10 years ago. 2 weeks ago
Cortex also used to be very interesting but now it’s just the same things over and over. Hello Internet was fun but I guess Grey optimize out the fun from his endeavours. 3 weeks ago
i mean, he’s only talking about regular ones. triangles are pretty goated imo, given that they compose pretty much everything and knowing half of their measures lets us knowing the other half 3 weeks ago
I thought so too until I read this which touched on my biggest gripe with hexagons:
When working with hexes, you quickly realize their edges are a huge pain. They don’t line in a straight line! That makes it impossible to subdivide the grid with a line. You cannot build a big hex out of lots of little ones.
Triangles solve that. Squares also do not have that problem. Triangles work better on the surface of a globe than squares though. 3 weeks ago
As a finite element method enjoyer, I always regarded triangles as superior because many shapes can be built from them. Triangles are the bestagles? 3 weeks ago