Rent is due in 28 days and in 28 days rent is due. That means all you have to do is make a whole bunch of money between now and then, that way you can pay your rent. So the options are limited, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t any option at all for you. For instance, if you just had some rich parents, you could take out a small multi-million dollar loan from them and pay your rent out of that. If you have a nice body and you know how to work it, you could become a high end hooker like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman, and then it would only take a handful of dates per month to pay off all your bills. Barring those options, you could convince your friends to sell their plasma and donate the proceeds to you. But you’d have to have a lot of friends to make that work, and let’s be honest. You don’t seem like the type to have that many friends. On the other hand, we could try to make you a Go Fund Me and then send it viral. Had a friend whose hamster got leukemia and they paid for the chemo with a Go Fund Me.
Rent is due in 28 days
Submitted 12 hours ago by to [deleted]
Comments 9 hours ago 6 hours ago
You can learn how to make drugs from the internet, just saying 10 hours ago
That hair… is that who I think it is? 10 hours ago
Ed…ward? Big Brother? 10 hours ago
He gave an arm and a leg for this.