People will quibble over the definition of “physical” but here’s what I think the reality is:
I have a hard drive. It’s full of pirated media. It’s a physical object with media on it. I have a physical copy of my media.
Piracy is the last way that leaves you in control of your own media and with a “physical” copy of it.
Hell, if I wanted to, I could be burning them to Bluray, but Sony for example stopped producing writable BR discs, making it harder to find such media.
Whereas an SSD is just a faster medium with more efficient use of physical space.
People need to make peace with the idea that a file stored on a drive is still technically a physical object just like the words stored inside a book. 3 weeks ago
Having local media, whether disk or a copy on a nas drive, is a must for me.
Plus it’s nice to have stuff to watch if my ISP loses connection for a day or so, which happens quite a bit.