Good, they’re literally just terrorists with completely misguided goals. These fucking morons tried their best to keep kids in Asia nutrient deficient causing them to be blind. Just like PETA, nice words, horrible actions, nothing meaningful gained but tons of damage done.
Greenpeace Is Going to Trial in $300 Million Suit That Poses Bankruptcy Risk
Submitted 4 weeks ago by to
Comments 4 weeks ago 4 weeks ago
I’m interested in some more details about that. Got a link to recommend? 4 weeks ago
Rather than give you a direct link with my bias, I would recommend looking up Golden Rice, why it was created, who it helps, and what they did. Long story short though, kids in Asia had severe vitamin deficiencies from rice being such a massive part of their diet that they were ending up blind, so they made Golden Rice via genetic modification and it was a huge success… Until these absolute troglodytes found out. GMOs have been saving and improving lives since forever, and these idiots hate it because “IT’S NOT NATURAL!” 4 weeks ago
Can’t they just take a play out of the corporate playbook and come back as Greeenpeace, a legally distinct entity, after transferring assets to the new entity indirectly while the old entity becomes insolvent? 4 weeks ago
🤐🤫 4 weeks ago