I can’t help I pooped my pants at 34 years of age
Massaging his heiling arm. Seriously, what disgusting human beings, if they can even be called that.
Submitted 2 weeks ago by cfultz@lemmy.world to [deleted]
I can’t help I pooped my pants at 34 years of age
Massaging his heiling arm. Seriously, what disgusting human beings, if they can even be called that.
Is this your sieg heil hand? Nice.
Palpatine to Vader: “Go forth, do what must be done!”
I’ll leave you to decide which is which.
Great news everybody! “Someday she won’t talk about stuff.”
Sanctus@lemmy.world 2 weeks ago
The President and the Chancellor
crank0271@lemmy.world 2 weeks ago
Which is which?