10 The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
Budget: £19.3m. Worldwide gross: £22m
9 Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971)
Budget: £2.3m**. Worldwide gross:** £3.2m
8 Strange Days (1995)
Budget: £32.3m. Worldwide gross: £13.1m
7. The Thing (1982)
Budget: £12m**. Worldwide gross: £15.9m**
6. Donnie Darko (2001)
Budget: £3.5m**. Initial US gross: £398,386**
5. It’s a Wonderful Life (1946)
Budget: £2.45m**. Worldwide gross (approx): £2.54m**
4. Blade Runner (1982)
Budget: £21.6m**. Worldwide gross: £32.2****m**
3. Citizen Kane (1941)
Budget: £646,602**.**Recorded loss: £123,202
2. The Wizard of Oz (1939)
Budget: £2.1m**. Initial gross (approx): £2.3m**
1. Vertigo (1958)
Budget: £1.9m**.** North American gross: £2.5m 3 months ago
“struggled to compete with Pulp Fiction” is certainly a phrase that shouldn’t count against a film!