This is the weapon of the enemy. We do not need it. We will not use it.
If you're not serious about cheating then you're not serious about winning
Submitted 3 months ago by to [deleted]
Comments 3 months ago 3 months ago
At what point do you think it becomes ethical to break the law for the greater good?
I don’t like the idea of destroying ballots either. It’s so undemocratic. It’s a shame that other actors don’t have scruples about it though.
Is it truly better to wait for the fascists to come to power before we resist them? It seems that would allow them to enact much more harm.
Anyway, I don’t endorse destroying ballots. But I do understand why people would be so disenfranchised with a system that’s working against the individuals that they would feel compelled to take some sort of action. 3 months ago
It depends on the law. People are starving to death? Fuck your profits, grab the food off the shelves.
You’re scared your favorite little guy won’t win the election? Bite your nails off for all I care, you do not interfere with the voice of the people. You shit your pants watching. 3 months ago
Straight to Leavenworth.
What is with people and self-snitching? Do they need attention that much? 3 months ago
What is with people and self-snitching?
It’s AI generated and getting passed around Twitter/Right-Wing Facebook ad part of MAGA hysterics. 3 months ago
why do we keep threatening to send criminals to fake bavaria? 3 months ago
I’m helping! 2 months ago
Violating the integrity of the vote is never a valid strategy. Your personal views are not a good enough reason to take away the votes of others. You are one person, there are over 300 million people in a America. The views of one person do not invalidate the views of 300 million, and the same remains true even if a lot of people agree with that one person. Nobody is important enough for their views to be more important than a fair vote, especially not someone who thinks that they are. 3 months ago
There’s nothing like a good felony in the morning. 3 months ago
I, too, enjoy being investigated by the USPIS