Today’s game is Max Payne 1 again. I finished it up today, surprisingly fast considering how far along i was yesterday. Tomorrow i’m going to start Alan Wake II (assuming i have the free time to pick it up by the time i get home).
I really enjoyed this game. I loved the story and the narration, along with the imagery used. On top of that the Bullet Time mechanics were so satisfying to use. I also liked the graphics, the primitive design and the dark snowy lighting feel perfect for this game. It can be a bit cruel at times with the Saves (At some points i found myself manually saving after each room), but overall i would recommend people pick it up and play, especially with how low it goes in pricing on steam. It took me 8.6 hours in total to play through the game on normal difficulty. 4 months ago
I still remember so many moments from this game and I haven’t played it since release, such a great game!
Following the blood trail in the pitch black in particular I always remember for some reason, probably the creepy baby cries that accompanied it.