State Rep. Shawn Thierry, a Houston Democrat who was defeated in her primary earlier this year, announced Friday she is switching to the Republican Party.
A number of prominent Houston Democrats lined up behind Simmons for her primary challenge, including some of Thierry’s current and former colleagues in the Texas House — an unusually public show of repudiation from an incumbent’s own party.
Thierry’s term will expire before the Legislature reconvenes in Austin for its next regular session in January, however, and Simmons is heavily favored to win the solidly Democratic seat in November.
She didn’t switch parties. She was forcibly removed by her own party. 5 months ago
I don’t disagree, but if the Democrats have “lost their way”, then the GOP has burned down the forest that the trail was in. Both parties are undesirable to me. I switched to non-partisan this year. I don’t want to be associated with either of them. Of the two though, the Democrats are far less despicable.