Sounds like it’s a quick primary? So will VPs be picked before the nomination is finalized? Can multiple candidates pick the same VP? If after the nomination, it has to be pretty fast. Pick the second place finisher?
The process for VP selection is handled by the Presidential candidate and usually takes months. For instance, McCain started steps in his VP selection around Memorial Day for an announcement in late August. Even then, he made a last minute change to consider Palin, which ended up with Palin not being fully vetted.
Harris is really behind in the selection process, not even having a committee to advise on selecting who the VP candidate should be.
As this primary didn’t have serious competition, I don’t think she will select the second place finisher.
My money is on Pete Buttigieg because it will represent a continuation of the administration, he’s gone through the vetting process to run for President, and he’s been able to conduct himself well in national media.
Governors carry the risk of not knowing how to deal with national media. Senators are needed in the Senate and also may not have that full experience. House members aren’t usually picked. 8 months ago
The person who is chosen for President will announce a decision. How much influence others have over that decision is unclear, but officially it is the decision of the Presidential nominee.