So far, this thing doesn’t seem like a very impressive tablet. But Daylight is more a display company than a tablet company — and the display is pretty great.
It looks like you can get this RLCD stuff as a computer monitor, too.…/The-rE-Monitor-Featuring-3…
full color RLCD computer monitor A vacation for your eyes
With SVD’s groundbreaking reflective LCD technology, you get all the benefits of LCD monitors without all the headaches —zero blue light emissions, no backlight-related flickering, and brightness perfectly matched to your surroundings.
If laptop screens could be disconnected so that one could swap a display of different type in, I imagine that it’d be nice to swap one of these in if you wanted to work outside. 7 months ago
Gonna say what everyone haven’t: the display is great to read but that’s it. The hardware is mediocre at best, and SolOS is unimpressive. At $730 it’s DOA since the iPad Air M2 exists and you can watch streaming on that. 7 months ago
$730 is really something. I guess I’m just not rich enough to even consider that kind of price. I mean, I can just get a used e-ink reader for like… 40 bucks or less and have 90% of the experience