This is some good hype! I hope with their recent retrospective video they can craft a good story. If there are white mantle, I hope they aren’t copy pasted from Bloodstone Fen or Lake Doric. Less bloodstone crazed and more cult-like worship from GW1.
Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds announced!
Submitted 8 months ago by to
Comments 8 months ago 8 months ago
Arenanet has been notoriously oblivious when it comes to what players want from housing. Here’s hoping they listened and let the community create places they feel like home in. 8 months ago
They really haven’t touched the home instancing much, I hope that homesteads will have a similar quality as mounts did when they released. 8 months ago
Confirms that what we got is going to be what we will keep getting. Rehashed weapon, rehashed mount, rehashed guild hall decorations. I feel like the price range of an indie game is well picked. It’s not specifically bad, but one gets ones money’s worth. 8 months ago
These are explicitly mini expansions, so… yeah. 8 months ago
Lets go!! 8 months ago
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Summoning hype train
Housing is something I’ve wanted forever! It gives me something that I can truly call my own. I wonder if it will allow the use of guild decorations and if there is any outdoor space for a small roller beetle track. I am also curious if any achievements could reward us with decorations that are unique to that event, such as pieces of a world boss, or heads from smaller enemies(that are not unique).
Spears! It’s interesting, not sure yet how I really feel about them.
I’ve never been into raids, I consider myself too casual, but I do enjoy open world events.
Warclaw rework could be interesting, I wonder if we could see mounted combat.
Releasing on Epic is also good, as it brings more players to the game.